3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine (MDEA)

legal replacement for MDMA; RN given for (+-)-isomer; structure given in first source
Also Known As:
MDEA; (+--)-N-ethyl-alpha-methyl-3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenethylamine; (R)-3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine; (R)-isomer of 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine; (R)-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine; (R,S)-N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine; (S)-3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine; (S)-isomer of 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine; (S)-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine; 1,3-benzodioxole-5-ethanamine, N-ethyl-alpha-methyl-; 1,3-benzodioxole-5-ethanamine, N-ethyl-alpha-methyl-, hydrochloride (1:1); 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine; 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine hydrochloride; D-3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine; EVE (amphetamine); HCl of 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine; MDE (-)-; MDE hydrochloride; MDE, (+)-; MDEA hydrochloride; N-MDE; N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine; N-ethyl-MDA; methylenedioxyethamphetamine; methylenedioxyethamphetamine hydrochloride
Networked: 717 relevant articles (32 outcomes, 150 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Benazzi, Franco: 43 articles (02/2009 - 06/2002)
2. Akiskal, Hagop S: 16 articles (11/2013 - 01/2003)
3. Angst, Jules: 14 articles (01/2021 - 05/2009)
4. Corruble, Emmanuelle: 13 articles (10/2020 - 04/2011)
5. Perugi, Giulio: 12 articles (01/2021 - 04/2005)
6. Colle, Romain: 12 articles (10/2020 - 02/2015)
7. Kessler, Ronald C: 11 articles (01/2023 - 01/2003)
8. Vieta, Eduard: 11 articles (01/2021 - 05/2012)
9. Falissard, Bruno: 11 articles (10/2020 - 04/2011)
10. Patten, Scott B: 10 articles (11/2021 - 11/2005)

Related Diseases

1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
01/11/2019 - "While participants' psychiatric status improved after 18 months, their quality of life continued to be affected, especially the quality of life of those with probable PTSD combined with MDE. "
10/01/2018 - "Outcomes were MDE remission, improved depression (Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale) and PTSD symptoms (Modified PTSD Symptom Scale), and improved social health (e.g., UCLA Loneliness Scale). "
01/01/2023 - "Training protocol effectiveness was evaluated using individual measure and pooled estimated IRRs for three key study measures (TESI-C, CAPS-CA-5, MINI-KID [Major Depressive Episodes - MDE & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD modules]). "
11/01/2021 - "The results of this study suggest that a short set of questions feasible to administer in an ED can predict 3-month PTSD or MDE with good AUC, calibration, and geographic consistency. "
01/01/2019 - "Traditional and Simplified Chinese Abstracts by the Asian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (AsianSTSS) 簡體及繁體中文撮要由亞洲創傷心理研究學會翻譯 Screening for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Refugees: Comparison of the Diagnostic Efficiency of Two Self-Rating Measures for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Traditional Chinese 標題: 為難民進行創傷後壓力症篩查:對比兩種創傷後壓力症自評測量工具的診斷效率 撮要: 創傷後壓力症(PTSD)在難民當中極為普遍。我們急切需要一個容易理解、可靠、既有效又有效率的篩查工具༌以找出受影響人士並提供針對性協助。本研究旨在對比PROTECT問卷(PQ)、8個項目的創傷後壓力診斷量表(PDS-8)簡要版、及病人健康狀況問卷(PHQ-9)的診斷效率。我們透過與難民樣本(N = 118)進行結構性臨床面談༌評估樣本的PTSD普遍率與嚴重抑鬱節段(MDE);亦找出接收者操作特徵༌並進行對比分析。樣本中༌29.7%人士被診斷患有PTSD(95% CI [22.0%, 38.5 %])༌33.1%患有MDE(95% CI [24.4%, 41.9%])。所有測量中༌曲線下面積(AUC)均為中等(AUCs = .79 -.86)。因此༌測量工具在判別效能方面並無差別。採用偏愛的取錄點檢視༌敏感性與特殊性分別為80-97%與60-70%。在判別效能方面༌檢視的測量工具中並無任何一種表現特別好。因此༌當對以上兩種疾病作篩查時༌採用較簡短的PQ可能更有效率。由於PTSD與MDE的共病率高༌有可能削弱了本研究的解釋力༌未來研究應與是次研究的發現作交叉驗證。 Simplified Chinese 标题: 为难民进行创伤后压力症筛查:对比两种创伤后压力症自评测量工具的诊断效率 撮要: 创伤后压力症(PTSD)在难民当中极为普遍。我们急切需要一个容易理解、可靠、既有效又有效率的筛查工具༌以找出受影响人士并提供针对性协助。本研究旨在对比PROTECT问卷(PQ)、8个项目的创伤后压力诊断量表(PDS-8)简要版、及病人健康状况问卷(PHQ-9)的诊断效率。我们透过与难民样本(N = 118)进行结构性临床面谈༌评估样本的PTSD普遍率与严重抑郁节段(MDE);亦找出接收者操作特征༌并进行对比分析。样本中༌29.7%人士被诊断患有PTSD(95% CI [22.0%, 38.5 %])༌33.1%患有MDE(95% CI [24.4%, 41.9%])。所有测量中༌曲线下面积(AUC)均为中等(AUCs = .79 -.86)。因此༌测量工具在判别效能方面并无差别。采用偏爱的取录点检视༌敏感性与特殊性分别为80-97%与60-70%。在判别效能方面༌检视的测量工具中并无任何一种表现特别好。因此༌当对以上两种疾病作筛查时༌采用较简短的PQ可能更有效率。由于PTSD与MDE的共病率高༌有可能削弱了本研究的解释力༌未来研究应与是次研究的发现作交叉验证。."
2. Major Depressive Disorder (Major Depressive Disorders)
3. Personality Disorders (Personality Disorder)
4. Anxiety Disorders (Anxiety Disorder)
5. Dysthymic Disorder

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. 4-amino-4'-hydroxylaminodiphenylsulfone (HADS)
2. Antidepressive Agents (Antidepressants)
3. Vortioxetine
4. Interferon-alpha (Interferon Alfa)
5. Opioid Analgesics (Opioids)
6. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
7. N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA)
8. Psychotropic Drugs (Psychoactive Drugs)
9. Hydrocortisone (Cortisol)
10. 2- (4- methyl- 2- thiazolylazo)- 5- diethylaminophenol

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Oral Administration
3. Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass)
4. Phototherapy (Light Therapy)
5. Oral Hygiene (Dental Hygiene)