Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme Inducers

Drugs and compounds that induce the synthesis of CYTOCHROME P-450 ENZYMES.
Also Known As:
Cytochrome P-450 Inducers; Cytochrome P-450 Monooxygenase Inducers; Cytochrome P-450 Oxygenase Inducers; Cytochrome P-450-Dependent Monooxygenase Inducers; P-450 Enzyme Inducers; Cytochrome P 450 Dependent Monooxygenase Inducers; Cytochrome P 450 Enzyme Inducers; Cytochrome P 450 Inducers; Cytochrome P 450 Monooxygenase Inducers; Cytochrome P 450 Oxygenase Inducers; Enzyme Inducers, P-450; Inducers, P-450 Enzyme; P 450 Enzyme Inducers
Networked: 5 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Acute Intermittent Porphyria (Porphyria, Acute)
2. Paralysis (Palsy)
3. Necrosis
4. Delayed Hypersensitivity (Hypersensitivity, Type IV)
5. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepatoma)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Mifepristone (RU 486)
2. Zoxazolamine
3. Troleandomycin (TAO)
4. Hexobarbital (Hexenal)
5. Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)
6. Cytochromes
7. Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System (Cytochrome P450)
8. Antioxidants