Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase D

A cytoplasmic cyclophilin with molecular chaperoning properties. It is found along with other MOLECULAR CHAPERONES, in steroid aporeceptor complexes and plays a role in maintaining the nonnative folding-competent intermediate state of the steroid aporeceptors. The protein has the alias name cyclophilin D which is also the alias name for the related protein Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase F.
Also Known As:
PPID Cyclophilin D; Peptidyl Prolyl Isomerase D; CyP40; Cyclophilin 40; Cyclophilin D, PPID; Cyclophilin-40; PPIase D
Networked: 18 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 4 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Kumar, P: 3 articles (06/2001 - 01/2001)
2. Minchin, R F: 3 articles (06/2001 - 01/2001)
3. Ratajczak, T: 3 articles (06/2001 - 01/2001)
4. Ward, B K: 3 articles (06/2001 - 01/2001)
5. Clos, Joachim: 2 articles (11/2016 - 07/2014)
6. MacDonald, Andrea: 2 articles (11/2016 - 07/2014)
7. Pescher, Pascale: 2 articles (11/2016 - 07/2014)
8. Retzlaff, Silke: 2 articles (11/2016 - 07/2014)
9. Späth, Gerald F: 2 articles (11/2016 - 07/2014)
10. Yau, Wai-Lok: 2 articles (11/2016 - 07/2014)

Related Diseases

1. Infections
2. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)
3. Neoplasms (Cancer)
4. Strabismus (Squint)
5. Prostatic Neoplasms (Prostate Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. tacrolimus binding protein 4 (FKBP52)
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
3. Immunophilins
4. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
5. Estradiol (Delestrogen)
6. Estrogen Receptors
7. Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase D
8. MicroRNAs (MicroRNA)
9. Cyclosporine (Ciclosporin)
10. Tacrolimus (Prograf)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics