Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer

Ulceration of the AORTA by an ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE by penetrating through and disrupting the internal elastic lamina of the TUNICA INTIMA.
Also Known As:
Aortic Penetrating Ulcers; Aortic Ulcer, Penetrating; Atherosclerotic Ulcer, Penetrating; Penetrating Aortic Ulcers; Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcers; Penetrating Ulcer Aortas; Penetrating Ulcer, Aortic; Penetrating Ulcers; Ulcer, Aortic Penetrating; Ulcer, Penetrating; Ulcer, Penetrating Aortic; Ulcer, Penetrating Atherosclerotic; Aortic Penetrating Ulcer; Penetrating Aortic Ulcer; Penetrating Ulcer; Penetrating Ulcer Aorta
Networked: 241 relevant articles (5 outcomes, 11 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer
2. Hematoma
3. Aortic Dissection
4. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
5. Aneurysm (Aneurysms)


1. Czerny, Martin: 9 articles (01/2022 - 05/2003)
2. Böckler, Dittmar: 7 articles (01/2022 - 12/2008)
3. Eggebrecht, Holger: 7 articles (08/2017 - 05/2003)
4. Erbel, Raimund: 7 articles (08/2017 - 05/2003)
5. Ehrlich, Marek: 6 articles (11/2022 - 05/2003)
6. Schoder, Maria: 6 articles (08/2011 - 10/2002)
7. Jakob, Heinz: 5 articles (08/2017 - 05/2003)
8. Grimm, Michael: 5 articles (08/2011 - 06/2008)
9. Rousseau, Hervé: 4 articles (11/2022 - 06/2003)
10. Georgiadis, George S: 4 articles (01/2022 - 10/2013)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Penetrating Atherosclerotic Ulcer:
1. L 644711 (B-3(+))IBA
2. AcidsIBA
3. SolutionsIBA
4. Anti-Bacterial Agents (Antibiotics)IBA
5. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)IBA
6. Cysteamine (Mercaptamine)FDA Link
7. Contrast MediaIBA
8. 1,3,4,6- tetra- O- acetyl- 2- azido- 2- deoxyglucopyranose (TAAD)IBA
9. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)IBA
10. 15-Hydroxy-11 alpha,9 alpha-(epoxymethano)prosta-5,13-dienoic AcidIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Stents
2. Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
3. Therapeutics
4. Prostheses and Implants (Prosthesis)
5. Conservative Treatment