a synthetic abrasive manufactured through fusion of high grade silica sand and finely ground carbon in an electric furnace at 2,400 degrees C; has fibrogenic activities comparable to asbestos fibers of similar size and likely to contribute to the pathogenesis of the interstitial lung disease of carborundum workers
Networked: 15
relevant articles (0 outcomes,
0 trials/studies)
Bio-Agent Context: Research Results
1. | Davern, Sandra M:
1 article
2. | Greenberg, Jean T:
1 article
3. | Jelenska, Joanna:
1 article
4. | Kalluri, Udaya C:
1 article
5. | McKnight, Timothy E:
1 article
6. | Mirzadeh, Saed:
1 article
7. | Morrell-Falvey, Jennifer L:
1 article
8. | Shpak, Elena D:
1 article
9. | Standaert, Robert F:
1 article
10. | Agarwal, Sujata:
1 article
Related Diseases
1. | Pneumoconiosis
2. | Wounds and Injuries (Trauma)
3. | Silicosis
- " The effect of small amounts of aluminium, carbon and carborundum on the development of silicosis and asbestosis." 12/01/2004
- " The clinical diagnosis of MDP requires the exclusion of other well-defined pneumoconioses, including asbestosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis, silicosis, hematite miners' pneumoconiosis, welders' pneumoconiosis, berylliosis, hard metal disease, silicate pneumoconiosis, diatomaceous earth pneumoconiosis, carborundum pneumoconiosis, and corundum pneumoconiosis. "
4. | Pulmonary Fibrosis (Fibrosing Alveolitis)
5. | Asbestosis
- " The effect of small amounts of aluminium, carbon and carborundum on the development of silicosis and asbestosis." 12/01/2004
- " The clinical diagnosis of MDP requires the exclusion of other well-defined pneumoconioses, including asbestosis, coal workers' pneumoconiosis, silicosis, hematite miners' pneumoconiosis, welders' pneumoconiosis, berylliosis, hard metal disease, silicate pneumoconiosis, diatomaceous earth pneumoconiosis, carborundum pneumoconiosis, and corundum pneumoconiosis. "
Related Drugs and Biologics
Related Therapies and Procedures