Unexplained Event Resolved Brief

An event experienced by an infant or a child that is characterized by some combination of apnea, color change, change in muscle tone, choking, and gagging.
Also Known As:
Brief, Resolved, Unexplained Event; Idiopathic Apparent Life-Threatening Event; ALTE Apparent Life Threatening Event; Apparent Life Threatening Event; Apparent Life-Threatening Events; Idiopathic Apparent Life Threatening Event; Infantile Apparent Life Threatening Event; Life-Threatening Event, Apparent; Life-Threatening Events, Apparent; ALTE Apparent Life-Threatening Event; Apparent Life-Threatening Event; BRUE Brief, Resolved, Unexplained Event; Infantile Apparent Life-Threatening Event
Networked: 63 relevant articles (2 outcomes, 9 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Sudden Infant Death (SID)
2. Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
3. Apnea
4. Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)
5. Esophagitis


1. Holcomb, George W: 2 articles (04/2020 - 06/2007)
2. Nosetti, Luana: 2 articles (01/2019 - 07/2012)
3. Magnani, Cinzia: 2 articles (07/2012 - 09/2010)
4. Bauman, Nancy M: 2 articles (10/2004 - 10/2002)
5. Wang, DeQiang: 2 articles (10/2004 - 10/2002)
6. Austin-Page, Lukas R: 1 article (04/2024)
7. Cho, Christine S: 1 article (04/2024)
8. Brooks, Kaitlyn A: 1 article (06/2023)
9. Goudy, Steven L: 1 article (06/2023)
10. Hollister, Scott J: 1 article (06/2023)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Unexplained Event Resolved Brief:
1. Ribonucleases (Ribonuclease)IBA
2. Oxygen (Dioxygen)IBA
01/01/2017 - "Cyanotic spells, also known as blue spells, dying spells, or apparent life-threatening events, refer to a bluish tone visible in the mucosal membranes and skin caused by an oxygen decrease in the peripheral circulation. "
11/01/1993 - "For an evaluation of the usefulness of event recording in identifying mechanisms for apparent life-threatening events, 94 infants (median age, 3.1 months; range, 0.5 to 12 months) with a history of two or more apparent life-threatening events of hitherto unknown cause underwent event recording of transcutaneous oxygen pressure, arterial oxygen saturation, (not recorded in all patients), breathing movements, pulse waveforms, electrocardiogram, and instantaneous heart rate. "
09/01/1994 - "This study aimed to determine whether preterm infants who have a history of apparent life-threatening events (ALTE) have abnormalities in oxygenation and, if so, whether the ALTE would stop with oxygen therapy. "
10/01/1994 - "The current study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of abnormal intraesophageal pH monitoring, esophagitis, and oxygen desaturation after experimental esophageal acidification (modified Bernstein test) in patients with apparent life-threatening events (ALTEs). "
06/01/2017 - "There were statistically significant improvements in clinical symptoms postoperatively, including cough, noisy breathing, prolonged and recurrent respiratory infections, transient respiratory distress requiring positive pressure, oxygen dependence, blue spells, and apparent life-threatening events (p<0.001), as well as ventilator dependence (p=0.04). "
3. antiarrhythmic peptide (AAP)IBA
01/01/2019 - "This study retrospectively evaluated the AAP guidelines for diagnosis and risk stratification of Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUE) in a well-characterized cohort of infants admitted with an Apparent Life Threatening Event (ALTE). "
04/01/2024 - "In a 2016 clinical practice guideline, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) created and introduced the term brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE). "
02/01/2022 - "Previously called apparent life-threatening events (ALTE), the term BRUE was first defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2016. "
04/01/2016 - "In 2010, the post publication discussion ended with a challenge to the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect (AAP COCAN) to either support the pure shaking mechanism with quality EBMS or eliminate any positive support for it from any official policy statement until the exact nature of each injury that pure abusive shaking has the potential to cause is clearly defined and supported with quality experimental research.(4) Since this is an area of acknowledged controversy by the AAP, it is appropriate to examine the evidence based experimental literature that has emerged over the last five years that is relevant to the abusive shaking hypothesis and the hypothesis of any primary brain-lethal hypoxic event leading to the findings of retinal hemorrhages, extra-axial bleeding, and brain injury when an infant presents to medical attention after an Acute/Apparent Life Threatening Event. "
4. Serotonin Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins (Serotonin Transporter)IBA
5. Dopamine Plasma Membrane Transport Proteins (Dopamine Transporter)IBA
6. Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 (Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV)IBA
7. Surface-Active Agents (Surfactants)IBA
8. SmokeIBA
9. Monoamine Oxidase (MAO)IBA
10. AcidsIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Induced Hypothermia
2. Resuscitation
3. Therapeutics
4. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
5. Fundoplication