Tinzaparin (Innohep)

A low-molecular-weight heparin with anticoagulant properties that is used in the prevention and treatment of VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM, and to prevent clotting during EXTRACORPOREAL CIRCULATION.
Also Known As:
Innohep; 2-Propenoic acid, 3-phenyl-; Tinzaparin Sodium; 2 Propenoic acid, 3 phenyl; 3-phenyl- 2-Propenoic acid
Networked: 223 relevant articles (37 outcomes, 84 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Drug Context: Research Results


1. Mousa, Shaker A: 11 articles (03/2018 - 01/2002)
2. Bath, Philip M W: 9 articles (10/2012 - 09/2005)
3. Leys, Didier: 9 articles (10/2012 - 09/2005)
4. Meyer, Guy: 8 articles (01/2022 - 12/2012)
5. O'Neill, Desmond: 8 articles (10/2012 - 07/2006)
6. TAIST Investigators: 8 articles (10/2012 - 03/2006)
7. De Deyn, Peter Paul: 7 articles (10/2012 - 07/2006)
8. Gray, Laura J: 7 articles (10/2012 - 09/2005)
9. Hull, Russell D: 6 articles (09/2013 - 12/2003)
10. Sprigg, Nikola: 6 articles (10/2012 - 09/2005)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Venous Thrombosis (Deep-Vein Thrombosis)
3. Ischemic Stroke
4. Pulmonary Embolism
5. Venous Thromboembolism

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin (Heparin, Low Molecular Weight)
2. Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
3. Heparin (Liquaemin)
4. Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)
5. Tinzaparin (Innohep)
6. Anticoagulants
7. Warfarin (Coumadin)
8. Nadroparin (Nadroparin Calcium)
9. Dalteparin (Dalteparin Sodium)
10. Vitamin K

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Renal Dialysis (Hemodialysis)
3. Central Venous Catheters
4. Arthroplasty
5. Hip Replacement Arthroplasty (Total Hip Replacement)