Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome

Developmental disorder characterized by delayed psychomotor development, severe intellectual disability with poor or absent speech, hypotonia, feeding difficulties, poor growth, and dysmorphic facial features. Mutations in the ASXL3 gene cause this disorder (see ASXL3 PROTEIN, HUMAN). OMIM: 615485
Also Known As:
ASXL3 deficiency syndrome; ASXL3-related disorder
Networked: 4 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results


1. Artamonov, Artyom: 1 article (01/2020)
2. Bielas, Stephanie L: 1 article (01/2020)
3. Frank, Dale: 1 article (01/2020)
4. Lichtig, Hava: 1 article (01/2020)
5. Polevoy, Hanna: 1 article (01/2020)
6. Reid, Christine D: 1 article (01/2020)
7. Ge, Juan: 1 article (01/2019)
8. Li, Tang: 1 article (01/2019)
9. Liu, Yusheng: 1 article (01/2019)
10. Qiao, Lingyan: 1 article (01/2019)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome:
1. Nonsense Codon (Nonsense Mutation)IBA
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link