Sequestering Agents

Compounds that bind to and reduce the biological availability of a chemical or pharmaceutical agent.
Also Known As:
Agent, Sequestering; Agents, Sequestering; Sequestering Agent
Networked: 35 relevant articles (5 outcomes, 5 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Aldini, Giancarlo: 2 articles (08/2016 - 12/2007)
2. Carini, Marina: 2 articles (08/2016 - 12/2007)
3. Orioli, Marica: 2 articles (08/2016 - 12/2007)
4. Leroux, Jean-Christophe: 2 articles (02/2009 - 11/2006)
5. Ali, I: 2 articles (09/2005 - 10/2000)
6. Naseem, I: 2 articles (09/2005 - 10/2000)
7. Brunk, Nicholas E: 1 article (11/2022)
8. Chakravarty, Kaushik: 1 article (11/2022)
9. Hixon, Mark S: 1 article (11/2022)
10. Hou, Hypatia: 1 article (11/2022)

Related Diseases

1. Diarrhea
12/01/1993 - "If the diarrhea persists and the etiology remains obscure, administration of opiates or bile-sequestering agents often is helpful in alleviating symptoms. "
04/01/2003 - "Bile salt sequestering agents are not of established value in IBS but seem to be useful clinically in a small group of IBS patients with diarrhea. "
02/01/1983 - "The data suggest that colestipol hydrochloride is not of value in preventing radiation-induced diarrhea because of the side effects associated with the drug, but the theory on which the use of bile acid-sequestering agents is based may be correct."
11/01/2013 - "Other bile acid sequestering agents, such as colestipol and colesevelam, are currently being investigated for the treatment of BAM-associated diarrhea. "
12/01/2001 - "Selected important clinical learning points include the following: (1) glucose absorption mediated by SGLT1 is controlled by mRNA abundance, as well as by posttranscriptional processes including protein trafficking; (2) inducers of cytochrome P-450 decrease glucose and fructose absorption and increase glucose consumption in the intestine; (3) the regulated release of nutrients from the stomach into the upper intestine ensures that the modest intestinal transport reserve capacity is not exceeded; (4) hepatocyte growth factor and short-chain fatty acids may enhance intestinal adaptation and prevent the atrophy seen when total parenteral nutrition is infused; (5) inhibitors of pancreatic lipase and phospholipase H2 may be useful clinically to reduce absorption as part of a treatment program for obesity and hyperlipidemia; (6) several membrane-bound and cytosolic proteins have been identified in the enterocyte as well as in the hepatocyte and may be the target for the future therapeutic manipulation of bile acid metabolism and control of hyperlipidemia; (7) suspect bile acid malabsorption in the patient with otherwise unexplained chronic diarrhea; (8) a proportion of lipid absorption is protein-mediated, and this opens the way to targeting these proteins and thereby therapeutically modifying lipid absorption; (9) a high protein diet may be useful to increase the intestinal absorption of drugs transported by the H+/dipeptide cotransporter; (10) a metal transporter DCT1 has been identified, and this may open the way to a better understanding of disorders of, for example, iron and zinc metabolism; (11) the nutrient transporters such as SGLT1 are responsible for a portion of the intestinal absorption of water; (12) the influence of nitric oxide on intestinal water absorption and secretion depends on its concentration; (13) a trial of bile acid-sequestering agent may prove useful in the treatment of the patient who experiences diarrhea while taking an enteral diet; (14) a proteolytic extract from pineapple stems may prove to be useful to treat diarrhea, although the mechanism of this effect remains to be established; and (15) the antisecretory effect of the new peptide, sorbin, needs to be tested in a clinical situation on patients with diarrhea. "
2. Obesity
12/01/2001 - "Selected important clinical learning points include the following: (1) glucose absorption mediated by SGLT1 is controlled by mRNA abundance, as well as by posttranscriptional processes including protein trafficking; (2) inducers of cytochrome P-450 decrease glucose and fructose absorption and increase glucose consumption in the intestine; (3) the regulated release of nutrients from the stomach into the upper intestine ensures that the modest intestinal transport reserve capacity is not exceeded; (4) hepatocyte growth factor and short-chain fatty acids may enhance intestinal adaptation and prevent the atrophy seen when total parenteral nutrition is infused; (5) inhibitors of pancreatic lipase and phospholipase H2 may be useful clinically to reduce absorption as part of a treatment program for obesity and hyperlipidemia; (6) several membrane-bound and cytosolic proteins have been identified in the enterocyte as well as in the hepatocyte and may be the target for the future therapeutic manipulation of bile acid metabolism and control of hyperlipidemia; (7) suspect bile acid malabsorption in the patient with otherwise unexplained chronic diarrhea; (8) a proportion of lipid absorption is protein-mediated, and this opens the way to targeting these proteins and thereby therapeutically modifying lipid absorption; (9) a high protein diet may be useful to increase the intestinal absorption of drugs transported by the H+/dipeptide cotransporter; (10) a metal transporter DCT1 has been identified, and this may open the way to a better understanding of disorders of, for example, iron and zinc metabolism; (11) the nutrient transporters such as SGLT1 are responsible for a portion of the intestinal absorption of water; (12) the influence of nitric oxide on intestinal water absorption and secretion depends on its concentration; (13) a trial of bile acid-sequestering agent may prove useful in the treatment of the patient who experiences diarrhea while taking an enteral diet; (14) a proteolytic extract from pineapple stems may prove to be useful to treat diarrhea, although the mechanism of this effect remains to be established; and (15) the antisecretory effect of the new peptide, sorbin, needs to be tested in a clinical situation on patients with diarrhea. "
3. Hyperlipidemias (Hyperlipidemia)
12/01/2001 - "Selected important clinical learning points include the following: (1) glucose absorption mediated by SGLT1 is controlled by mRNA abundance, as well as by posttranscriptional processes including protein trafficking; (2) inducers of cytochrome P-450 decrease glucose and fructose absorption and increase glucose consumption in the intestine; (3) the regulated release of nutrients from the stomach into the upper intestine ensures that the modest intestinal transport reserve capacity is not exceeded; (4) hepatocyte growth factor and short-chain fatty acids may enhance intestinal adaptation and prevent the atrophy seen when total parenteral nutrition is infused; (5) inhibitors of pancreatic lipase and phospholipase H2 may be useful clinically to reduce absorption as part of a treatment program for obesity and hyperlipidemia; (6) several membrane-bound and cytosolic proteins have been identified in the enterocyte as well as in the hepatocyte and may be the target for the future therapeutic manipulation of bile acid metabolism and control of hyperlipidemia; (7) suspect bile acid malabsorption in the patient with otherwise unexplained chronic diarrhea; (8) a proportion of lipid absorption is protein-mediated, and this opens the way to targeting these proteins and thereby therapeutically modifying lipid absorption; (9) a high protein diet may be useful to increase the intestinal absorption of drugs transported by the H+/dipeptide cotransporter; (10) a metal transporter DCT1 has been identified, and this may open the way to a better understanding of disorders of, for example, iron and zinc metabolism; (11) the nutrient transporters such as SGLT1 are responsible for a portion of the intestinal absorption of water; (12) the influence of nitric oxide on intestinal water absorption and secretion depends on its concentration; (13) a trial of bile acid-sequestering agent may prove useful in the treatment of the patient who experiences diarrhea while taking an enteral diet; (14) a proteolytic extract from pineapple stems may prove to be useful to treat diarrhea, although the mechanism of this effect remains to be established; and (15) the antisecretory effect of the new peptide, sorbin, needs to be tested in a clinical situation on patients with diarrhea. "
4. Atrophy
12/01/2001 - "Selected important clinical learning points include the following: (1) glucose absorption mediated by SGLT1 is controlled by mRNA abundance, as well as by posttranscriptional processes including protein trafficking; (2) inducers of cytochrome P-450 decrease glucose and fructose absorption and increase glucose consumption in the intestine; (3) the regulated release of nutrients from the stomach into the upper intestine ensures that the modest intestinal transport reserve capacity is not exceeded; (4) hepatocyte growth factor and short-chain fatty acids may enhance intestinal adaptation and prevent the atrophy seen when total parenteral nutrition is infused; (5) inhibitors of pancreatic lipase and phospholipase H2 may be useful clinically to reduce absorption as part of a treatment program for obesity and hyperlipidemia; (6) several membrane-bound and cytosolic proteins have been identified in the enterocyte as well as in the hepatocyte and may be the target for the future therapeutic manipulation of bile acid metabolism and control of hyperlipidemia; (7) suspect bile acid malabsorption in the patient with otherwise unexplained chronic diarrhea; (8) a proportion of lipid absorption is protein-mediated, and this opens the way to targeting these proteins and thereby therapeutically modifying lipid absorption; (9) a high protein diet may be useful to increase the intestinal absorption of drugs transported by the H+/dipeptide cotransporter; (10) a metal transporter DCT1 has been identified, and this may open the way to a better understanding of disorders of, for example, iron and zinc metabolism; (11) the nutrient transporters such as SGLT1 are responsible for a portion of the intestinal absorption of water; (12) the influence of nitric oxide on intestinal water absorption and secretion depends on its concentration; (13) a trial of bile acid-sequestering agent may prove useful in the treatment of the patient who experiences diarrhea while taking an enteral diet; (14) a proteolytic extract from pineapple stems may prove to be useful to treat diarrhea, although the mechanism of this effect remains to be established; and (15) the antisecretory effect of the new peptide, sorbin, needs to be tested in a clinical situation on patients with diarrhea. "
5. Pruritus (Itching)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Bile Acids and Salts (Bile Acids)
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
3. Peptides (Polypeptides)
4. Iron
5. Hepatocyte Growth Factor (Growth Factor, Hepatocyte)
6. Zinc
7. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
8. Phospholipases (Phospholipase)
9. Nitric Oxide (Nitrogen Monoxide)
10. Metals

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Total Parenteral Nutrition
2. High-Protein Diet
3. Therapeutics