Angular Pregnancy

A rare type of abnormal pregnancy in which EMBRYO IMPLANTATION occurs at a lateral angle of the UTERUS, medial to the uterotubal junction and the ROUND LIGAMENT OF UTERUS.
Also Known As:
Pregnancy, Angular; Angular Pregnancies; Pregnancies, Angular
Networked: 16 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Retained Placenta
2. Uterine Rupture
3. Interstitial Pregnancy
4. Uterine Perforation
5. Peritonitis


1. Kluckman, Matthew L: 1 article (07/2021)
2. Provagna, Alyssa J: 1 article (07/2021)
3. Ramirez, Christina I: 1 article (07/2021)
4. Schwope, Ryan B: 1 article (07/2021)
5. Yauger, Belinda J: 1 article (07/2021)
6. Li, Zhimin: 1 article (04/2021)
7. Wang, Yi: 1 article (04/2021)
8. Yu, Fan: 1 article (04/2021)
9. Yue, Zhen: 1 article (04/2021)
10. Zeng, Liqin: 1 article (04/2021)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Angular Pregnancy:
1. Methotrexate (Mexate)FDA LinkGeneric

Therapies and Procedures

1. Hysterectomy
2. Curettage
3. Hysterotomy
4. Salpingectomy
5. Vacuum Curettage