Hyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channels

A subgroup of cyclic nucleotide-regulated ION CHANNELS of the superfamily of pore-loop cation channels that are opened by hyperpolarization rather than depolarization. The ion conducting pore passes SODIUM, CALCIUM, and POTASSIUM cations with a preference for potassium.
Also Known As:
HCN Pacemaker Channels; HCN1 Channel; HCN2 Channel; HCN2 Potassium Channel; HCN3 Channel; HCN4 Channel; Hyperpolarization Activated Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Potassium Channel 2; Hyperpolarization Cyclic-Nucleotide Gated Cation Channel 1; Hyperpolarization Cyclic-Nucleotide Gated Cation Channel 3; Hyperpolarization Cyclic-Nucleotide Gated Cation Channel 4; Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation Channel; I(h) Cation Channels; I(h) Channels; Ih Cation Channels; Potassium-Sodium Hyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel 2; Cation Channel, Hyperpolarization-Activated; Cation Channels, Ih; Channel, HCN1; Channel, HCN2; Channel, HCN2 Potassium; Channel, HCN3; Channel, HCN4; Channel, Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation; Channels, HCN Pacemaker; Channels, Ih Cation; Hyperpolarization Activated Cation Channel; Hyperpolarization Activated Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Channels; Hyperpolarization Activated Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Potassium Channel 2; Hyperpolarization Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Cation Channel 1; Hyperpolarization Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Cation Channel 3; Hyperpolarization Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Cation Channel 4; Hyperpolarization Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Ion Channels; Pacemaker Channels, HCN; Potassium Channel, HCN2; Potassium Sodium Hyperpolarization Activated Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Channel 2; Hyperpolarization Cyclic-Nucleotide Gated Ion Channels
Networked: 97 relevant articles (5 outcomes, 6 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. DiFrancesco, Dario: 6 articles (01/2019 - 08/2005)
2. Zhang, Yu: 4 articles (09/2023 - 09/2015)
3. Budde, Thomas: 4 articles (10/2022 - 01/2003)
4. Ludwig, Andreas: 4 articles (01/2020 - 01/2003)
5. Biel, Martin: 4 articles (10/2017 - 01/2003)
6. Liu, Qian: 3 articles (01/2023 - 01/2017)
7. Meuth, Sven G: 3 articles (10/2022 - 12/2013)
8. Schweizer, Patrick A: 3 articles (07/2022 - 09/2013)
9. Thomas, Dierk: 3 articles (07/2022 - 09/2013)
10. Petrou, Steven: 3 articles (01/2020 - 01/2012)

Related Diseases

1. Pain (Aches)
2. Seizures (Absence Seizure)
3. Hyperalgesia
4. Alcoholism (Alcohol Abuse)
5. Demyelinating Diseases (Demyelinating Disease)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. ICI D2788
2. Small Interfering RNA (siRNA)
3. Acetaldehyde
4. 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol
5. adenosine-3',5'-cyclic phosphorothioate
6. protein kinase modulator
7. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
8. Ion Channels (Ion Channel)
9. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
10. Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Ligation
2. Nerve Block (Nerve Blocks)
3. Electroacupuncture
4. Therapeutics
5. Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment