Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore

A multiprotein inner mitochondrial complex which opens only under certain pathological conditions (e.g., OXIDATIVE STRESS) uncoupling the membrane leading to APOPTOSIS and MITOCHONDRIAL TRANSMEMBRANE PERMEABILITY-DRIVEN NECROSIS particularly in CARDIOMYOCYTES during MYOCARDIAL REPERFUSION INJURY.
Also Known As:
Mitochondrial Megachannel; Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore (mPTP); mPTP Protein
Networked: 807 relevant articles (24 outcomes, 68 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Ovize, Michel: 28 articles (11/2020 - 01/2005)
2. Yellon, Derek M: 15 articles (10/2014 - 12/2003)
3. Bernardi, Paolo: 13 articles (01/2020 - 05/2007)
4. Molkentin, Jeffery D: 12 articles (01/2021 - 09/2007)
5. Gao, Qin: 11 articles (05/2018 - 01/2005)
6. Xia, Qiang: 11 articles (03/2014 - 01/2005)
7. Hausenloy, Derek J: 10 articles (01/2015 - 12/2003)
8. Davidson, Sean M: 10 articles (10/2014 - 03/2006)
9. Sahach, V F: 10 articles (01/2008 - 01/2002)
10. Di Lisa, Fabio: 8 articles (01/2020 - 07/2002)

Related Diseases

1. Ischemia
2. Mitochondrial Diseases (Mitochondrial Disease)
3. Reperfusion Injury
4. Myocardial Ischemia (Ischemic Heart Diseases)
5. Hypoxia (Hypoxemia)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Atractyloside
2. 5-hydroxydecanoic acid
3. Cyclosporine (Ciclosporin)
4. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
5. Phosphotransferases (Kinase)
6. KATP Channels
7. Leptin
8. Reactive Oxygen Species (Oxygen Radicals)
9. Cyclophilins (Cyclophilin)
10. Caspase 3 (Caspase-3)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Ischemic Postconditioning
2. Endurance Training
3. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
4. Induced Heart Arrest (Cardioplegia)
5. Therapeutics