Leukocyte Immunoglobulin-like Receptor B1

A receptor for HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGENS CLASS I that also functions as a receptor for the UL18 protein, an MHC class I homolog expressed by human CYTOMEGALOVIRUS. It consists of four Ig-like C2 domains and is expressed primarily by B-cells and MONOCYTES, as well as DENDRITIC CELLS; its interaction with MHC1 functions to down-regulate the immune response.
Also Known As:
CD85 Antigen; CD85J Antigen; ILT2 Protein; Immunoglobulin-like Transcript 2 Protein; LILRB1; LIR-1 Protein; Leukocyte Ig-like Receptor B1; Antigen, CD85; Antigen, CD85J; Immunoglobulin like Transcript 2 Protein; LIR 1 Protein; Leukocyte Ig like Receptor B1; Leukocyte Immunoglobulin like Receptor B1
Networked: 57 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 7 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. López-Botet, Miguel: 4 articles (01/2020 - 10/2011)
2. An, Zhiqiang: 3 articles (01/2021 - 01/2020)
3. Arase, Hisashi: 3 articles (11/2020 - 12/2017)
4. Kuśnierczyk, Piotr: 3 articles (06/2019 - 12/2016)
5. Noyola, Daniel E: 3 articles (12/2018 - 12/2012)
6. Muntasell, Aura: 3 articles (11/2013 - 10/2011)
7. Fan, Jing: 2 articles (03/2022 - 01/2021)
8. Gu, Aidong: 2 articles (03/2022 - 01/2021)
9. Li, Jiayan: 2 articles (03/2022 - 01/2021)
10. Song, Fangnan: 2 articles (03/2022 - 01/2021)

Related Diseases

1. Malaria
2. Disease Progression
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
4. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections
5. Liver Neoplasms (Liver Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. HLA-G Antigens (HLA G)
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
3. Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1
4. Protein Isoforms (Isoforms)
5. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
6. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
7. Immunoglobulins (Immunoglobulin)
8. Leukocyte Immunoglobulin-like Receptor B1
9. Natural Killer Cell Receptors
10. Ligands

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Immunotherapy
2. Therapeutics
3. Transplantation