Protein Deglycase DJ-1

A protein deglycase that repairs methylglyoxal- and glyoxal-glycated amino acids and proteins, releasing repaired proteins and lactate or glycolate. It deglycates CYSTEINE, ARGININE and LYSINE residues to reactivate proteins by reversing glycation and prevent the formation of ADVANCED GLYCATION END PRODUCTS. It protects cells against OXIDATIVE STRESS and CELL DEATH by functioning as an oxidative stress sensor and redox-sensitive MOLECULAR CHAPERONE and PROTEASE. Mutations in the PARK7 gene are associated with autosomal-recessive, early-onset PARKINSON DISEASE.
Also Known As:
DJ-1 Protein; DJ-1-PARK7 Protein; DJ1 Protein; PARK7 Protein; Parkinson Protein 7; Parkinsonism Associated Deglycase; DJ 1 PARK7 Protein; DJ 1 Protein; DJ-1, Protein Deglycase; Deglycase, Parkinsonism Associated
Networked: 129 relevant articles (2 outcomes, 23 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Tsuchiya, Benio: 5 articles (05/2022 - 01/2010)
2. Iwaya, Keiichi: 5 articles (01/2017 - 06/2012)
3. Kawate, Takahiko: 4 articles (01/2017 - 07/2012)
4. Kohno, Norio: 4 articles (07/2015 - 06/2012)
5. Matsubara, Osamu: 4 articles (07/2015 - 06/2012)
6. Pu, Xiao-Ping: 4 articles (09/2014 - 07/2011)
7. Wang, Ying: 3 articles (01/2023 - 01/2019)
8. Heutink, Peter: 3 articles (08/2019 - 01/2003)
9. Rizzu, Patrizia: 3 articles (08/2019 - 01/2003)
10. Noguchi, Noriko: 3 articles (03/2018 - 04/2014)

Related Diseases

1. Breast Neoplasms (Breast Cancer)
2. Carcinoma (Carcinomatosis)
3. Parkinson Disease (Parkinson's Disease)
4. Neoplasms (Cancer)
5. Mitochondrial Diseases (Mitochondrial Disease)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene (PDT)
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
3. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
4. Antioxidants
5. Prohibitins
6. PTEN Phosphohydrolase (PTEN Phosphatase)
7. Protein Isoforms (Isoforms)
8. Glucose (Dextrose)
9. Monoclonal Antibodies
10. Kelch-Like ECH-Associated Protein 1

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Neoadjuvant Therapy
2. Therapeutics
3. Photochemotherapy (Photodynamic Therapy)
4. Intraperitoneal Injections