Pioglitazone (Actos)

A thiazolidinedione and PPAR GAMMA agonist that is used in the treatment of TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS.
Also Known As:
Actos; 5-(4-(2-(5-Ethyl-2-pyridyl)ethoxy)benzyl)-2,4-thiazolidinedione; AD 4833; AD-4833; U 72107A; U-72107A; U72,107A; AD4833; U72107A; Pioglitazone Hydrochloride
Networked: 3618 relevant articles (667 outcomes, 1034 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Drug Context: Research Results


1. Cusi, Kenneth: 33 articles (01/2024 - 06/2002)
2. DeFronzo, Ralph A: 33 articles (01/2023 - 03/2002)
3. Forst, Thomas: 25 articles (01/2012 - 01/2005)
4. Pfützner, Andreas: 25 articles (01/2012 - 01/2005)
5. Inzucchi, Silvio E: 24 articles (09/2022 - 06/2003)
6. Kernan, Walter N: 20 articles (09/2022 - 06/2003)
7. Young, Lawrence H: 19 articles (11/2023 - 12/2014)
8. Viscoli, Catherine M: 19 articles (09/2022 - 06/2003)
9. Kern, Philip A: 18 articles (01/2021 - 11/2004)
10. Perez, Alfonso: 18 articles (07/2015 - 01/2004)

Related Diseases

1. Insulin Resistance
2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (MODY)
3. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
4. Inflammation (Inflammations)
5. Body Weight (Weight, Body)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Metformin (Glucophage)
2. Insulin (Novolin)
3. Glucose (Dextrose)
4. Lipids
5. Rosiglitazone (Avandia)
6. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPAR)
7. Adiponectin
8. PPAR gamma
9. 2,4-thiazolidinedione (thiazolidinedione)
10. Exenatide (Byetta)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Glycemic Control
3. Secondary Prevention
4. Aftercare (After-Treatment)
5. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)