Nedd4 Ubiquitin Protein Ligases

E3 ubiquitin ligases that consist of four WW DOMAINS. They accept UBIQUITIN from E2 UBIQUITIN-CONJUGATING ENZYME as a thioester via their C-terminal HECT domains and transfer it specifically to the 63rd LYSINE residue (Lys-63) of target proteins. NEDD4 targets include many proteins and receptors with important functions for cell growth and homeostasis such as VEGFR-2; FGFR1 TYROSINE KINASE; and ERBB-4 RECEPTOR. They play a critical role in the internalization of these receptors, their degradation by LYSOSOMES, and also function as part of the ESCRT complex in VIRUS RELEASE.
Also Known As:
Nedd4 Proteins; Neuronal Precursor Cell-Expressed Developmentally Down-Regulated 4 Ligase; Neuronal Precursor Cell Expressed Developmentally Down Regulated 4 Ligase
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