
Surgical resection of a portion of or the entire colon.
Also Known As:
Hemicolectomy; Large Bowel Resection; Colectomies; Hemicolectomies; Large Bowel Resections; Resection, Large Bowel; Resections, Large Bowel
Networked: 10760 relevant articles (399 outcomes, 1087 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Shen, Bo: 51 articles (02/2024 - 12/2004)
2. Kiran, Ravi P: 32 articles (01/2022 - 05/2005)
3. Pawlik, Timothy M: 27 articles (04/2024 - 07/2008)
4. Remzi, Feza H: 27 articles (08/2017 - 04/2003)
5. Steele, Scott R: 25 articles (04/2024 - 03/2008)
6. Kaplan, Gilaad G: 25 articles (02/2024 - 08/2007)
7. Delaney, Conor P: 25 articles (01/2023 - 04/2002)
8. Ishida, Hideyuki: 24 articles (03/2024 - 01/2003)
9. Rubin, David T: 23 articles (04/2025 - 06/2005)
10. Fazio, Victor W: 23 articles (08/2012 - 04/2002)

Related Diseases

1. Ulcerative Colitis
2. Neoplasms (Cancer)
3. Colonic Neoplasms (Colon Cancer)
4. Constipation
5. Colorectal Neoplasms (Colorectal Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Infliximab (Remicade)
2. Steroids
3. Cyclosporine (Ciclosporin)
4. Adrenal Cortex Hormones (Corticosteroids)
5. Sulindac (Copal)
6. Anti-Bacterial Agents (Antibiotics)
7. Opioid Analgesics (Opioids)
8. Antidiarrheals
9. Mesalamine (Mesalazine)
10. Prednisone (Sone)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Restorative Proctocolectomy
3. Ileostomy
4. Length of Stay
5. Lymph Node Excision (Lymph Node Dissection)