Personal Protective Equipment

Specialized clothing or equipment worn for protection against health hazards. Personal Protective Equipment may include MASKS; RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE DEVICES; HEAD PROTECTIVE DEVICES; EYE PROTECTIVE DEVICES; EAR PROTECTIVE DEVICES; PROTECTIVE CLOTHING; and protective footwear.
Also Known As:
Equipment, Personal Protective; Personal Protective Equipments; Protective Equipment, Personal; PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Networked: 3344 relevant articles (82 outcomes, 215 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Sinha, Michael S: 10 articles (07/2021 - 01/2020)
2. Sorger, Peter K: 10 articles (07/2021 - 01/2020)
3. Smereka, Jacek: 9 articles (01/2022 - 01/2020)
4. LeBoeuf, Nicole R: 9 articles (07/2021 - 04/2020)
5. Plana, Deborah: 9 articles (07/2021 - 04/2020)
6. Yang, Helen: 9 articles (07/2021 - 04/2020)
7. Yu, Sherry H: 9 articles (07/2021 - 04/2020)
8. Szarpak, Lukasz: 8 articles (01/2022 - 01/2020)
9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 8 articles (07/2015 - 12/2003)
10. Shaban, Ramon Z: 7 articles (12/2022 - 01/2019)

Related Diseases

1. COVID-19
2. Infections
11/01/2023 - "Improved availability of personal protective equipment, and reduced risk of serious infection, have rendered this maneuver moot in most practices. "
01/01/2021 - "Key findings in our model simulation results indicate that (i) universal social isolation measures appear effective in reducing total fatalities only if they are strict and the number of daily interpersonal contacts is reduced to very low numbers; (ii) selective isolation of only the elderly (at higher fatality risk) appears almost as effective as universal isolation in reducing total fatalities but at a possible lower economic and social impact; (iii) an increase in the number of critical care capacity directly avoids fatalities; (iv) the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) appears to be effective to dramatically reduce total fatalities when adopted extensively and to a high degree; (v) extensive random testing of the population for more complete infection recognition (accompanied by subsequent self-isolation of infected aware individuals) can dramatically reduce the total fatalities only above a high percentage threshold that may not be practically feasible."
01/01/2019 - "An important area of infection prevention and control (IPC) is the optimal use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by healthcare workers (HCWs), including masks for protection against respiratory pathogens. "
12/01/2018 - "This small study showed that strict implementation of care bundles with good compliance of hand hygiene, Personal protective equipment and antibiotic stewardship are helpful for prevention and control of hospital acquired infections. "
03/01/2023 - "Personal protective equipment (PPE) is effective in preventing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infection. "
3. Wounds and Injuries (Trauma)
4. Communicable Diseases (Infectious Diseases)
5. Hepatitis B

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Aerosols
2. Vaccines
3. Pesticides
4. Hand Sanitizers
5. Explosive Agents (Explosives)
6. Metals
7. Cellulase
8. N-methyl-valyl-amiclenomycin (BA 2)
9. Disinfectants (Biocides)
10. Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Hand Hygiene
2. Resuscitation
3. Patient Care Bundles
4. N95 Respirators
5. Critical Care (Surgical Intensive Care)