Imperforate Hymen

A hereditary austosomal recessive condition characterized by an imperforate hymen and AMENORRHEA. HEMATOCOLPOS or HYDROCOLPOS may also be present but internal and external genitalia are usually normal. OMIM: 237100
Also Known As:
Hymen, Imperforate
Networked: 20 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Hydrocolpos
2. Pelvic Pain
3. Pathologic Constriction (Stenosis)
4. Polyps
5. Hydronephrosis


1. Aoun, Bilal: 1 article (05/2022)
2. Chouikh, Taieb: 1 article (05/2022)
3. Degheili, Jad A: 1 article (05/2022)
4. Khaled, Mohamed: 1 article (05/2022)
5. Acar, Ali: 1 article (04/2021)
6. Alan, Cemre: 1 article (04/2021)
7. Balci, Osman: 1 article (04/2021)
8. Elçi Atılgan, Adeviye: 1 article (04/2021)
9. Ercan, Fedi: 1 article (04/2021)
10. Niftiyev, Kemal: 1 article (04/2021)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Imperforate Hymen:
1. Estrogens (Estrogen)FDA Link
2. Tumor Biomarkers (Tumor Markers)IBA
3. Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluronan)IBA
4. EnzymesIBA
5. AndrogensIBA
6. antineoplaston A10 (A 10)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Decompression
2. Catheters
3. Gas Lasers
4. Stents
5. Sutures (Suture)