purple acid phosphatase

110-kDa glycoprotein with Fe(III)-Zn(II) center; isolated from the red kidney bean Phaseolus vulgaris; GenBank P80366 (PAP1) and (PAP2); RefSeq NM_122874 (PAP26)
Also Known As:
At5g34850 protein, Arabidopsis; AtPAP26 protein, Arabidopsis; Fe(III)-Zn(II) purple acid phosphatase; KBPase; PAP26 protein, Arabidopsis; purple acid phosphatase 26, Arabidopsis; tartrate-resistant purple acid phosphatase
Networked: 28 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 3 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Guddat, Luke W: 5 articles (11/2019 - 01/2008)
2. Schenk, Gerhard: 5 articles (11/2019 - 01/2008)
3. Feder, Daniel: 4 articles (11/2019 - 11/2012)
4. Hussein, Waleed M: 4 articles (11/2019 - 11/2012)
5. McGeary, Ross P: 4 articles (11/2019 - 11/2012)
6. Kan, Meng-Wei: 2 articles (11/2019 - 11/2012)
7. Liu, Dong: 2 articles (12/2018 - 12/2014)
8. Andersson, Göran: 2 articles (11/2015 - 01/2011)
9. Ek-Rylander, Barbro: 2 articles (11/2015 - 01/2011)
10. Bozzo, Gale G: 2 articles (02/2006 - 08/2004)

Related Diseases

1. Osteoporosis
2. Bone Resorption
3. Liver Diseases (Liver Disease)
4. Starvation
5. Neoplasm Metastasis (Metastasis)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
2. Enzymes
3. Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase
4. p21-Activated Kinases
5. Interleukin-10 Receptors
6. Zinc
7. Iron
8. Interleukins
9. Interferon Lambda
10. Phosphates (Orthophosphate)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics