Slit Lamp

A microscope with a light source that can be projected into a linear beam. It allows cross-sectional viewing of the AQUEOUS HUMOR; CONJUNCTEIVA; CORNEA; EYELIDS; IRIS; and lens (see LENS, EYE) of the eye.
Also Known As:
Gullstrand's Slit Lamp; Slit Lamp Biomicroscope; Biomicroscope, Slit Lamp; Biomicroscopes, Slit Lamp; Gullstrand Slit Lamp; Gullstrands Slit Lamp; Lamp Biomicroscope, Slit; Lamp Biomicroscopes, Slit; Lamp, Gullstrand's Slit; Lamp, Slit; Lamps, Slit; Slit Lamp Biomicroscopes; Slit Lamp, Gullstrand's; Slit Lamps
Networked: 3004 relevant articles (42 outcomes, 153 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Wong, Tien Yin: 20 articles (12/2022 - 11/2002)
2. Kymionis, George D: 13 articles (01/2022 - 03/2010)
3. Wang, Jie Jin: 13 articles (07/2013 - 08/2002)
4. Mitchell, Paul: 12 articles (07/2013 - 08/2002)
5. Lu, Yi: 11 articles (01/2023 - 07/2015)
6. Tandon, Radhika: 11 articles (10/2022 - 05/2008)
7. Tsubota, Kazuo: 10 articles (01/2023 - 07/2004)
8. Mohan, Rajiv R: 10 articles (12/2021 - 04/2010)
9. Cheng, Ching-Yu: 9 articles (12/2023 - 06/2003)
10. Nishida, Kohji: 9 articles (05/2021 - 09/2014)

Related Diseases

1. Cataract (Cataracts)
2. Keratitis
3. Uveitis
4. Glaucoma
01/01/2022 - "This pilot study of ab externo implantation of a gel microstent is a novel, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery performed at the slit lamp that is effective for lowering intraocular pressure in patients with uncontrolled glaucoma. "
01/01/2020 - "Images from glaucoma and fundus assessment were used in this study, including color fundus photographs, standard optic nerve optical coherence tomography (OCT), and digital slit-lamp images of the angle/gonioscopy. "
03/01/2016 - "Case (XFS/XFG and POAG) and control status was diagnosed in the Reykjavik Glaucoma Studies (RGS) using slit-lamp examination, visual field testing and optic disc photographs; the RGS data were merged with the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study that collected hearing data using air-conduction, pure-tone thresholds obtained at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 kHz categorized by better ear and worse ear, based on pure-tone averages (PTAs) calculated separately for low and middle frequencies (PTA512 - mean of thresholds at 0.5, 1 and 2 kHz) and high frequencies (PTA3468 - mean of thresholds at 3, 4, 6 and 8 kHz). "
02/01/2014 - "One eye of 109 Caucasian subjects (mean age 71.7 years) was examined by slit-lamp microscopy and classified based on visible PEX deposits on the lens (mild and severe) and presence of glaucoma in 4 study groups. "
04/01/2013 - "This study aimed to compare a web-based teleophthalmology assessment with clinical slit lamp examination to screen for glaucoma among diabetics in a rural African district. "
5. Diabetic Retinopathy (Retinopathy, Diabetic)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Fluorescein (Funduscein)
2. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)
3. Mydriatics (Cycloplegics)
4. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
5. Rose Bengal
6. Coloring Agents (Dyes)
7. Fibrin
8. Steroids
9. Ointments (Pastes)
10. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Vitrectomy
2. Lasers (Laser)
3. Contact Lenses
4. Intravitreal Injections
5. Topical Administration