Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif

A conserved AMINO ACID SEQUENCE located in the intracellular domains of a family of transmembrane proteins involved in various IMMUNE RESPONSES. The CONSENSUS SEQUENCE of this motif is YXXL(or I)X(6-8)YXXL(or I) (where X denotes any amino acid). When phosphorylated ITAM motifs provide docking sites for PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASES of the Syk family thus forming signaling complexes which lead to activation of immune responses.
Also Known As:
Immune Receptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif; Immuno-Receptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif; Immune Receptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif; Immuno Receptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif; Immunoreceptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif
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