
Pycnogenol (tradename) is a commercial mixture of bioflavonoids with antioxidative properties; isolated from the bark of the French marine pine Pinus pinaster or Pinus maritima; term suggested to designate flavan-3-ol derivatives
Also Known As:
French maritime pine bark extract; Pinus pinaster bark extract; Pycnogenol; maritime pine bark extract
Networked: 185 relevant articles (44 outcomes, 77 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Belcaro, G: 24 articles (09/2017 - 10/2004)
2. Dugall, M: 24 articles (09/2017 - 10/2004)
3. Cesarone, M R: 21 articles (09/2017 - 10/2004)
4. Ippolito, E: 19 articles (02/2015 - 10/2004)
5. Hosoi, M: 17 articles (09/2017 - 11/2005)
6. Ricci, A: 16 articles (09/2017 - 10/2004)
7. Rohdewald, P: 16 articles (09/2010 - 01/2001)
8. Ledda, A: 15 articles (09/2017 - 11/2005)
9. Cacchio, M: 15 articles (06/2014 - 07/2005)
10. Pellegrini, L: 13 articles (09/2017 - 07/2005)

Related Diseases

1. Edema (Dropsy)
2. Inflammation (Inflammations)
3. Pain (Aches)
4. Atherosclerosis
5. Venous Insufficiency

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. pycnogenols
2. Arginine (L-Arginine)
3. Analgesics (Analgesic Drugs)
4. Cisplatin (Platino)
5. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)
6. Oral Contraceptives
7. Carnitine (L-Carnitine)
8. horse chestnut seed
9. venostasin
10. TECA

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Enteral Nutrition (Feeding, Tube)
3. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
4. Compression Stockings
5. Chemoprevention