[Comparative scintigraphic and roentgenological examinations of the lung in various stages of silicosis (author's transl)].

In 84 patients with silicosis of various stages, a semi-quantitative topographical measurement of perfusion of the lung was performed with radionuclide albumin particles. At the same time, the scintigram of the lungs and x-ray films of the thorax were compared with each other. With increasing degree of severity of the silicosis, redistribution of the pulmonary blood flow was seen. The blood flow on the left side increases to the detriment of the right side until an approximate balance between the perfusion of both lungs is attained. With reference to the four quadrants, the greatest drop in perfusion occurs in the right upper quadrant, associated with the simultaneous greatest relative increase in the left upper quadrant. X-ray film of the thorax and scintigram pointed to a stronger and earlier silicosis affection of the right lung than of the left one.
AuthorsM Persigehl, H J Fernholz
JournalRontgen-Blatter; Zeitschrift fur Rontgen-Technik und medizinisch-wissenschaftliche Photographie (Rontgenblatter) Vol. 33 Issue 5 Pg. 249-54 (May 1980) ISSN: 0300-8592 [Print] Germany
Vernacular TitleVergleichende szintigraphische und röntgenologische Untersuchungen der Lunge in den verschiedenen Stadien der Silikose.
PMID7375771 (Publication Type: Journal Article)
Chemical References
  • Albumins
  • Iodine Radioisotopes
  • Technetium
  • Adult
  • Aged
  • Albumins
  • Humans
  • Iodine Radioisotopes
  • Lung (blood supply, diagnostic imaging)
  • Male
  • Middle Aged
  • Radiography
  • Radionuclide Imaging
  • Silicosis (diagnostic imaging)
  • Technetium

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