[Characteristics of the hemodynamics after an aortocoronary bypass and resection of a heart aneurysm].

Autovenous aortocoronary shunt was performed in 136 patients and resection of aneurysm of the heart in 38 patients. The immediate postoperative period was studied scrupulously in 48 patients. A significant reduction of cardiac output is observed in the first 24 hours after operation for aortocoronary shunt, which is linked with the patients' severe condition before operation, the operative trauma, completeness of revascularization, and the size of the blood flow in the shunt. Study of correlations between the most important indices of hemodynamics showed that the mean pressure in the left atrium and the diastolic pressure in the pulmonary artery may reflect the functional condition of the left ventricle in the immediate postoperative period with high significance.
AuthorsV P Kertsman
JournalKardiologiia (Kardiologiia) Vol. 19 Issue 4 Pg. 57-61 (Apr 1979) ISSN: 0022-9040 [Print] Russia (Federation)
Vernacular TitleOsobennosti gemodinamiki posle aortokoronarnogo shuntirovaniia i rezektsii anevrizmy serdtsa.
PMID312357 (Publication Type: English Abstract, Journal Article)
  • Cardiac Catheterization
  • Chronic Disease
  • Coronary Artery Bypass
  • Extracorporeal Circulation
  • Heart Aneurysm (physiopathology, surgery)
  • Heart Arrest, Induced
  • Heart Ventricles (physiopathology)
  • Hemodynamics
  • Humans
  • Hypothermia, Induced
  • Myocardial Infarction (physiopathology)
  • Postoperative Period

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