A broad range of biologically active compounds which occur naturally in plants having important medicinal and nutritional properties.
Also Known As:
Bioactive Coumpounds, Plant; Biologically Active Coumpounds, Plant; Dietary Phytochemicals; Phytochemical; Phytonutrient; Phytonutrients; Plant Bioactive Compounds; Plant Biologically Active Compounds; Plant-Derived Chemicals; Plant-Derived Compounds; Bioactive Compound, Plant; Bioactive Compounds, Plant; Chemical, Plant-Derived; Chemicals, Plant-Derived; Compound, Plant Bioactive; Compound, Plant-Derived; Compounds, Plant Bioactive; Compounds, Plant-Derived; Coumpounds, Plant Bioactive; Phytochemical, Dietary; Phytochemicals, Dietary; Plant Bioactive Coumpounds; Plant Derived Chemical; Plant Derived Chemicals; Plant Derived Compound; Plant Derived Compounds; Dietary Phytochemical; Plant Bioactive Compound; Plant Biologically Active Compound; Plant-Derived Chemical; Plant-Derived Compound