
The condition characterized by uneven or irregular shape of the head often in parallelogram shape with a flat spot on the back or one side of the head. It can either result from the premature CRANIAL SUTURE closure (CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS) or from external forces (NONSYNOSTOTIC PLAGIOCEPHALY).
Also Known As:
Networked: 145 relevant articles (8 outcomes, 20 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Synostosis
2. Craniosynostoses (Craniosynostosis)
3. Nonsynostotic Plagiocephaly
4. Clubfoot (Talipes Equinovarus)
5. Torticollis (Wryneck)


1. Di Rocco, Concezio: 4 articles (12/2016 - 09/2011)
2. Arnaud, Eric: 3 articles (05/2016 - 03/2009)
3. Rogers, Gary F: 3 articles (05/2014 - 09/2002)
4. Losee, Joseph E: 3 articles (01/2011 - 12/2005)
5. Mooney, Mark P: 3 articles (05/2007 - 01/2002)
6. Duncan, Christian: 2 articles (01/2021 - 03/2009)
7. Richardson, David: 2 articles (01/2021 - 03/2009)
8. Bartlett, Scott P: 2 articles (09/2020 - 12/2005)
9. Steinbok, Paul: 2 articles (01/2020 - 10/2009)
10. Massimi, Luca: 2 articles (12/2016 - 09/2012)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Plagiocephaly:
1. Transforming Growth Factors (Transforming Growth Factor)IBA
2. ElementsIBA
3. PlasticsIBA
4. Type 3 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3)IBA
5. Therapeutic UsesIBA
6. Activin Receptors (Activin Receptor)IBA
7. Activins (Activin)IBA
8. Methylmethacrylate (Metaplex)IBA
9. Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor)IBA
10. Cadherins (E-Cadherin)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Sutures (Suture)
3. Musculoskeletal Manipulations (Manipulative Therapy)
4. Orthotic Devices (Orthosis)
5. Physical Therapy Modalities (Physical Therapy Technique)