Versicans (Versican)

HYALURONAN-containing proteoglycans found in the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX of a variety of tissues and organs. Several versican isoforms exist due to multiple ALTERNATIVE SPLICING of the versican MESSENGER RNA.
Also Known As:
Versican; Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan Core Protein 2
Networked: 529 relevant articles (12 outcomes, 87 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Wight, Thomas N: 45 articles (03/2024 - 03/2002)
2. Frevert, Charles W: 12 articles (03/2024 - 02/2014)
3. Catherino, William H: 12 articles (01/2019 - 09/2008)
4. Merrilees, Mervyn J: 12 articles (01/2017 - 03/2002)
5. Yang, Burton B: 12 articles (05/2013 - 04/2002)
6. Bassols, Anna: 11 articles (02/2011 - 02/2002)
7. Malik, Minnie: 10 articles (01/2019 - 09/2008)
8. Ricciardelli, Carmela: 10 articles (01/2015 - 04/2002)
9. Chan, Christina K: 9 articles (03/2024 - 02/2009)
10. Chang, Mary Y: 9 articles (03/2024 - 02/2014)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Infections
3. Myocardial Infarction
4. Inflammation (Inflammations)
5. Colonic Neoplasms (Colon Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Decorin
2. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
3. Biglycan
4. Aggrecans (Aggrecan)
5. Lumican
6. Elastin
7. Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluronan)
8. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
9. Cytokines
10. Small Interfering RNA (siRNA)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Immunotherapy
2. Therapeutics
3. Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT)
4. Cytoreduction Surgical Procedures
5. Catheters