
A general state of sluggishness, listless, or uninterested, with being tired, and having difficulty concentrating and doing simple tasks. It may be related to DEPRESSION or DRUG ADDICTION.
Networked: 1425 relevant articles (62 outcomes, 47 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Fatigue
2. Vomiting
3. Anorexia
4. Diarrhea
5. Ataxia (Dyssynergia)


1. Akhondzadeh, Shahin: 5 articles (04/2020 - 02/2010)
2. Klein-Schwartz, Wendy: 5 articles (01/2018 - 01/2005)
3. Adelman, James S: 4 articles (01/2019 - 12/2010)
4. Mohammadi, Mohammad-Reza: 4 articles (07/2014 - 02/2010)
5. Harden, Lois M: 4 articles (06/2013 - 03/2009)
6. Araujo, Andre B: 3 articles (10/2008 - 11/2007)
7. Clark, Richard V: 3 articles (10/2008 - 11/2007)
8. Esche, Gretchen R: 3 articles (10/2008 - 11/2007)
9. McKinlay, John B: 3 articles (10/2008 - 11/2007)
10. Travison, Thomas G: 3 articles (10/2008 - 11/2007)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Lethargy:
1. Glucose (Dextrose)FDA LinkGeneric
2. CreatinineIBA
3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Omega 3 Fatty Acids)IBA
4. Insulin (Novolin)FDA Link
5. Antidepressive Agents (Antidepressants)IBA
01/01/2009 - "Ninety-nine percent of those with sleep problems also reported daytime symptoms including lack of concentration, exhaustion and lethargy, no energy and feeling sleepy; 40% admitted napping during the day; 59% indicated that poor sleep greatly affected their quality of life (QOL); 34% considered it to be "very distressing"; 69% of respondents were taking antidepressant medication at the time (44% said it improved their sleep, 56% said it had no effect or worsened their sleep); 69% had sought extra treatment for their sleep problems. "
01/01/2022 - "These substances have an impact on the human body in many ways, including having a thymoleptic effect (reducing emotional stress, irritability, anxiety, eliminating lethargy, apathy, melancholy, anxiety) and regulating cognitive activity. "
04/01/2011 - "A comparison of the associated symptoms for each of the antidepressants found that the prevalence of the combined factor of fatigue, drowsiness, tiredness or lethargy ranged from 6.4±0.8% down to 2.9±0.15% of the mentions, where the S.E. "
07/01/2010 - "Serotonergic antidepressant drugs are sometimes associated with a distinct discontinuation syndrome characterized by dizziness, weakness, nausea, headache, lethargy, insomnia, anxiety, poor concentration, and paresthesias. "
02/14/1992 - "Various classes of antidepressant drugs with distinct pharmacologic actions are differentially effective in the treatment of classic melancholic depression--characterized by pathological hyperarousal and atypical depression--associated with lethargy, hypersomnia, and hyperphagia. "
6. Risperidone (Risperdal Consta)FDA LinkGeneric
7. Prednisolone (Predate)FDA LinkGeneric
8. Celecoxib (Celebrex)FDA Link
9. Phenobarbital (Luminal)FDA Link
10. Propranolol (Inderal)FDA LinkGeneric
01/01/2018 - "Although there were more short- or long-term general adverse effects (such as severe diarrhoea, lethargy, and loss of appetite) in the oral propranolol group, there was no evidence of a difference between groups (RR 7.00, 95% CI 0.40 to 123.35; 1 study; 26 participants; very low-quality evidence). "
06/15/2016 - "A seven-month-old infant (weight, 6.1 kg) was admitted to a hospital emergency department with lethargy and bradycardia after an unintentional overdose of propranolol suspension, which had been prescribed several days previously for treatment of a scalp hemangioma. "
09/01/2023 - "There is no standardized protocol; however, drug discontinuation, beta-blockers (specifically propranolol), and cholestyramine effectively manage overdose when needed, with most cases resolving independently without medical intervention.  Here, we present the case of a 26-year-old female with a history of supraventricular tachycardia, anxiety, depression, and Hashimoto thyroiditis who was accidentally overprescribed LT (300 mcg for one and a half months) that resulted in symptoms of lethargy, tremors, body temperature dysregulation, orthostatic hypotension, and diarrhea. This case, with limited evidence, suggests that excessive LT exacerbated the patient's underlying psychiatric symptoms, encouraging suicidal ideation."
02/01/1987 - "Withdrawal from the trial because of lethargy and fatigue was significantly greater among patients on methyldopa and propranolol than among those receiving captopril. "

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
3. Aftercare (After-Treatment)
4. Injections
5. Palliative Care (Palliative Therapy)