Proto-Oncogene Protein c-ets-2

A ubiquitously expressed ets proto-oncogene protein that may play a role in regulation of CELL PROLIFERATION and CELL DIFFERENTIATION.
Also Known As:
Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-ets-2; Proto-Oncogene Proteins ets-2; Proto Oncogene Protein c ets 2; Proto Oncogene Proteins c ets 2; Proto Oncogene Proteins ets 2; c ets 2 Protein; c-ets-2, Proto-Oncogene Protein; c-ets-2, Proto-Oncogene Proteins; ets-2, Proto-Oncogene Proteins; Proto-Oncogene Protein ets-2; c-ets-2 Protein
Networked: 1 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Gao, Sui: 1 article (11/2008)
2. Guo, Wei: 1 article (11/2008)
3. Han, Meifang: 1 article (11/2008)
4. Levy, Gary: 1 article (11/2008)
5. Li, Weina: 1 article (11/2008)
6. Liu, Mingfeng: 1 article (11/2008)
7. Luo, Xiaoping: 1 article (11/2008)
8. Ning, Qin: 1 article (11/2008)
9. Xi, Dong: 1 article (11/2008)
10. Yan, Weiming: 1 article (11/2008)

Related Diseases

1. Chronic Hepatitis B