Tai Ji (Tai Chi Chuan)

One of the MARTIAL ARTS and also a form of meditative exercise using methodically slow circular stretching movements and positions of body balance.
Also Known As:
Tai Chi Chuan; Tai Chi; Taiji; T'ai Chi; Taijiquan; Chi, Tai; Ji Quan, Tai; Quan, Tai Ji; Tai Ji Quan; Tai-ji
Networked: 1095 relevant articles (225 outcomes, 445 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Wayne, Peter M: 36 articles (07/2021 - 10/2004)
2. Yeh, Gloria Y: 28 articles (07/2021 - 10/2004)
3. Wang, Chenchen: 24 articles (05/2021 - 03/2004)
4. Taylor-Piliae, Ruth E: 20 articles (01/2021 - 01/2004)
5. Davis, Roger B: 15 articles (07/2021 - 07/2004)
6. Irwin, Michael R: 14 articles (01/2021 - 09/2003)
7. Lam, Paul: 13 articles (11/2011 - 09/2003)
8. Tao, Jing: 12 articles (03/2021 - 01/2015)
9. Chen, Lidian: 12 articles (01/2020 - 11/2013)
10. Lee, Myeong Soo: 12 articles (01/2015 - 06/2007)

Related Diseases

1. Pain (Aches)
01/01/2019 - " is uncertain whether Tai Chi-based exercise programs provide a clinically important improvement in pain among Tai Chi participants compared to no therapy or alternate therapy. "
07/01/2023 - "Is Tai Chi beneficial for multisite pain syndrome in older adults?"
01/01/2021 - "Patients' outcomes practising Tai Chi exercise were improved significantly, including pain (SMD = ‒0.69, 95%CI: ‒0.95 to ‒0.44, P < 0.001), stiffness (SMD = ‒0.59, 95%CI: ‒0.91 to ‒0.27, P < 0.001), physical function (SMD = ‒0.92, 95%CI: -1.16 to ‒0.69, P < 0.001), dynamic balance (SMD = 0.69, 95%CI: 0.38 to 0.99, P < 0.001), physiological and psychological health (SF-36 PCS: SMD = 0.48, 95%CI: 0.28 to 0.68, P < 0.001; SF-36 MCS: SMD = 0.26, 95%CI: 0.06 to 0.45, P = 0.01). "
11/01/2018 - "Tai Chi significantly lowered pain severity (4.58 ± 1.73 to 3.73 ± 1.79, p < 0.01) and pain interference (4.20 ± 2.53 to 3.16 ± 2.28, p < 0.05), reduced fear of falling (90.82 ± 9.59 to 96.84 ± 10.67, p < 0.05), and improved several single-task and dual-task gait variables, while light physical exercise did not change these measures. "
12/01/2017 - "In addition, the Taijiquan group showed significantly greater improvements in the WOMAC scores (P < 0.05) for knee pain (left: -3.17 points; right: -3.74 points), stiffness (left: -2.43 points; right: -2.13 points), and physical function (left: -10.99 points; right: -8.00 points), compared with the control group. "
2. Stroke (Strokes)
3. Parkinson Disease (Parkinson's Disease)
4. Fatigue
5. Cognitive Dysfunction

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Glucose (Dextrose)
2. Biomarkers (Surrogate Marker)
3. Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar)
4. Therapeutic Uses
5. salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM)
6. Lipids
7. Nitric Oxide (Nitrogen Monoxide)
8. Insulin (Novolin)
9. Antihypertensive Agents (Antihypertensives)
10. Interleukin-6 (Interleukin 6)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Qigong (Qi Gong)
2. Therapeutics
3. Resistance Training
4. Meditation
5. Complementary Therapies (Alternative Medicine)