Septo-Optic Dysplasia

A condition resulting from congenital malformations involving the brain. The syndrome of septo-optic dysplasia combines hypoplasia or agenesis of the SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM; CORPUS CALLOSUM and the OPTIC NERVE. The extent of the abnormalities can vary. Septo-optic dysplasia is often associated with abnormalities of the HYPOTHALAMUS and other diencephalic structures, and HYPOPITUITARISM.
Also Known As:
De Morsier Syndrome; Septo-Optic Dysplasia with Growth Hormone Deficiency; Dysplasia, Septooptic; Septo Optic Dysplasia with Growth Hormone Deficiency; Septooptic Dysplasias; Septooptic Dysplasia
Networked: 77 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 3 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Pituitary Dwarfism
2. Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
3. Hypopituitarism (Sheehan's Syndrome)
4. Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency
5. Precocious Puberty


1. Dattani, Mehul T: 8 articles (12/2020 - 12/2003)
2. Kelberman, Daniel: 4 articles (12/2009 - 01/2007)
3. Alatzoglou, Kyriaki S: 3 articles (12/2020 - 02/2011)
4. Martinez-Barbera, Juan-Pedro: 2 articles (01/2022 - 12/2015)
5. Gregory, Louise C: 2 articles (12/2020 - 12/2015)
6. Gaston-Massuet, Carles: 2 articles (12/2015 - 11/2008)
7. Geffner, Mitchell E: 2 articles (11/2011 - 05/2002)
8. Dattani, M T: 2 articles (10/2010 - 08/2003)
9. Krude, Heiko: 2 articles (02/2007 - 03/2002)
10. Papadimitriou, Anastasios: 2 articles (02/2007 - 04/2003)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Septo-Optic Dysplasia:
1. Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)IBA
2. Hormones (Hormone)IBA
3. MelatoninIBA
4. Transcription Factors (Transcription Factor)IBA
02/01/2011 - "Septo-optic dysplasia and other midline defects: the role of transcription factors: HESX1 and beyond."
02/01/2007 - "Mutations in the transcription factor HESX1 have previously been described in association with septooptic dysplasia (SOD) as well as isolated defects of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. "
12/01/2017 - "In contrast, using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockouts, we also found that intrinsic hub transcription factors, including the schizophrenia-associated SIX3 gene and septo-optic dysplasia-related HESX1 gene, are required to program hESC neural determination. "
06/01/2011 - "There is a wide variety of phenotypes depending on the transcription factor involved: PROP1 (somatolactotroph, thyrotroph, gonadotroph, and sometimes corticotroph deficiencies ; pituitary hyper- or hypoplasia), POU1F1 (somatolactotroph and thyrotroph deficiencies, pituitary hypoplasia), HESX1 (variable pituitary deficiencies, septo-optic dysplasia), and less frequently LHX3 (somatolactotroph, thyrotroph, and gonadotroph deficiencies, deafness, and limited head and neck rotation), LHX4 (variable pituitary deficiencies, ectopic neurohypophysis, cerebral abnormalities), and OTX2 (variable pituitary deficiencies, ectopic neurohypophysis, ocular abnormalities). "
01/01/2007 - "Mutations in the genes encoding pituitary transcription factors (mainly PROP1, POUF1 and HESX1) are responsible for familial combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) and septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) while only a low percentage of mutations are the cause of sporadic forms. "
5. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)FDA Link
07/01/2001 - "Delaying puberty is an option in septo-optic dysplasia, and minimising the dose of hydrocortisone is crucial in treating ACTH/cortisol insufficiency. "
11/01/1990 - "Hypothalamic pituitary function and growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) loading tests in two children with septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) revealed isolated GH deficiency in one and deficiencies of growth hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone and antidiuretic hormone in the other. "
05/01/1978 - "We report five females with septo-optic dysplasia, blindness, and multiple pituitary tropic hormone deficiencies: all were growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone deficient; two had diabetes insipidus; one had sexual precocity, and one had early pubertal maturation, whereas three were prepubertal and responded to administration of synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone. "
01/01/2013 - "Additional hormonal deficiencies were found in 35% of patients with structural abnormalities (thyroid-stimulating hormone > adrenocorticotropic hormone > luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone > antidiuretic hormone), most frequently in patients with septo-optic dysplasia (SOD). "
07/01/1979 - "Two girls, one with septo-optic dysplasia and the other with posttraumatic brain damage, had the unusual combination of human growth hormone, thyrotropin, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, and vasopressin deficiencies that were associated with sexual precocity in one patient and early sexual maturation in the second patient, and of adult follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone concentrations. "
6. Vasopressins (Vasopressin)IBA
7. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)IBA
8. Pituitary HormonesIBA
9. Thyrotropin (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)FDA Link
10. Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (Somatotropin Releasing Hormone)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Telescopes
3. Colonic Pouches (S Pouch)
4. Radiotherapy
5. Cesarean Section (Caesarean Section)