RGS Proteins

A large family of evolutionarily conserved proteins that function as negative regulators of HETEROTRIMERIC GTP-BINDING PROTEINS. RGS PROTEINS act by increasing the GTPase activity of the G alpha subunit of a heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein, causing it to revert to its inactive (GDP-bound) form.
Also Known As:
RGS Protein (G-Protein Signaling); Regulators of G Protein Signaling Proteins; Regulators of G-Protein Signaling Proteins
Networked: 82 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 11 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Hooks, Shelley B: 7 articles (01/2018 - 01/2008)
2. Neubig, Richard R: 7 articles (06/2015 - 03/2002)
3. Traynor, John R: 6 articles (01/2020 - 07/2004)
4. Druey, Kirk M: 5 articles (01/2021 - 08/2003)
5. Hurst, Jillian H: 4 articles (11/2010 - 02/2008)
6. Yang, Shuying: 3 articles (01/2022 - 03/2013)
7. Fisher, Rory A: 3 articles (12/2020 - 01/2012)
8. Huang, Xinyan: 3 articles (06/2010 - 05/2007)
9. Roman, David L: 2 articles (12/2019 - 01/2016)
10. Martemyanov, Kirill A: 2 articles (04/2016 - 08/2013)

Related Diseases

1. Hypertrophy
2. Neoplasms (Cancer)
3. Carcinogenesis
4. Parkinson Disease (Parkinson's Disease)
5. Ovarian Neoplasms (Ovarian Cancer)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. GTP-Binding Proteins (G-Protein)
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
3. Opioid Analgesics (Opioids)
4. G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (Receptors, G Protein Coupled)
5. mu Opioid Receptors (mu Opioid Receptor)
6. Pertussis Toxin
7. GTPase-Activating Proteins (GTPase-Activating Protein)
8. GTP Phosphohydrolases (GTPases)
9. Opioid Receptors (Opioid Receptor)
10. lysophosphatidic acid

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)
3. Analgesia