Absorbable Implants

Implants constructed of materials designed to be absorbed by the body without producing an immune response. They are usually composed of plastics and are frequently used in orthopedics and orthodontics.
Also Known As:
Absorbable Implant; Bioabsorbable Implant; Biodegradable Implant; Implant, Absorbable; Implant, Bioabsorbable; Implant, Biodegradable; Implants, Bioabsorbable; Implants, Biodegradable; Bioabsorbable Implants; Biodegradable Implants; Implants, Absorbable
Networked: 171 relevant articles (10 outcomes, 29 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Ashammakhi, Nureddin: 3 articles (01/2012 - 05/2003)
2. Kahana, Alon: 2 articles (01/2020 - 01/2019)
3. Prokop, A: 2 articles (12/2013 - 10/2002)
4. Törmälä, Pertti: 2 articles (09/2006 - 05/2003)
5. Rokkanen, P U: 2 articles (01/2001 - 12/2000)
6. Kim, Tae Hyung: 1 article (09/2022)
7. Ko, JaeSang: 1 article (09/2022)
8. Park, Hyun Young: 1 article (09/2022)
9. Yoon, Jin Sook: 1 article (09/2022)
10. Bajaj, Avinash: 1 article (07/2022)

Related Diseases

1. Bone Fractures (Bone Fracture)
2. Foreign-Body Reaction
3. Osteomyelitis
4. Flatfoot (Flat Feet)
5. Periodontitis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Anti-Bacterial Agents (Antibiotics)
2. Biocompatible Materials (Biomaterials)
3. Gelatin
4. Transglutaminases
5. Solutions
6. ardipusilloside I
7. Alloys
8. Magnesium
9. poly(lactide) (polylactic acid)
10. Dexamethasone (Maxidex)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Trabeculectomy (Trabeculoplasty)
2. Contraindications
3. Oral Surgery (Maxillofacial Surgery)
4. Microspheres (Microsphere)
5. Bone Wires