Stapes Mobilization

An operation to remobilize the footplate of the stapes to relieve conductive hearing impairment caused by its immobilization through otosclerosis or middle ear disease. (Stedman, 26th ed)
Also Known As:
Mobilization, Stapes; Mobilizations, Stapes; Stapes Mobilizations
Networked: 52 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Daoudi, Hannah: 1 article (11/2021)
2. Ferrary, Evelyne: 1 article (11/2021)
3. Mazalaigue, Stéphane: 1 article (11/2021)
4. Nguyen, Yann: 1 article (11/2021)
5. Sterkers, Olivier: 1 article (11/2021)
6. Torres, Renato: 1 article (11/2021)
7. Brennan, Matthew: 1 article (09/2021)
8. Cohn, Jason E: 1 article (09/2021)
9. Meenan, Kirsten: 1 article (09/2021)
10. Sataloff, Robert T: 1 article (09/2021)

Related Diseases

1. Cicatrix (Scar)
2. Otosclerosis
3. Deafness (Deaf Mutism)
4. Vertigo (Positional Vertigo)
5. Ankylosis

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Stapes Surgery (Stapedectomy)
2. Prostheses and Implants (Prosthesis)
3. Ossicular Prosthesis (TORP)
4. Myringoplasty
5. Anesthesia