Artificial Pneumothorax

Injection of air or a more slowly absorbed gas such as nitrogen, into the PLEURAL CAVITY to collapse the lung.
Also Known As:
Pneumothorax, Artificial; Artificial Pneumothoraxs; Pneumothoraxs, Artificial
Networked: 339 relevant articles (12 outcomes, 18 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Therapy Context: Research Results


1. Aozasa, Katsuyuki: 4 articles (03/2006 - 10/2002)
2. Arai, Yasuaki: 2 articles (07/2023 - 06/2016)
3. Cao, Hua: 2 articles (02/2022 - 08/2021)
4. Chen, Qiang: 2 articles (02/2022 - 08/2021)
5. Kawarada, Yo: 2 articles (06/2019 - 03/2014)
6. Kitashiro, Shuji: 2 articles (06/2019 - 03/2014)
7. Okushiba, Shunichi: 2 articles (06/2019 - 03/2014)
8. Saikawa, Daisuke: 2 articles (06/2019 - 03/2014)
9. Suzuki, Yoshinori: 2 articles (06/2019 - 03/2014)
10. Hu, W: 2 articles (10/2018 - 10/2014)

Related Diseases

1. Neoplasms (Cancer)
2. Pain (Aches)
3. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepatoma)
4. Lung Neoplasms (Lung Cancer)
5. Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Hemostatics (Antihemorrhagics)
2. Gases
3. Reactive Oxygen Species (Oxygen Radicals)
4. Cytokines
5. Ofloxacin (Ofloxacine)
6. Antipsychotic Agents (Antipsychotics)
7. Penicillins (Penicillin)
8. Aminosalicylic Acid (Rezipas)
9. Oxygen (Dioxygen)
10. Nikethamide

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Radiofrequency Ablation
3. Pneumonectomy (Lung Volume Reduction)
4. Local Anesthesia
5. One-Lung Ventilation