Jaw Cysts

Saccular lesions lined with epithelium and contained within pathologically formed cavities in the jaw; also nonepithelial cysts (pseudocysts) as they apply to the jaw, e.g., traumatic or solitary cyst, static bone cavity, and aneurysmal bone cyst. True jaw cysts are classified as odontogenic or nonodontogenic.
Also Known As:
Cyst, Jaw; Cysts, Jaw; Jaw Cyst
Networked: 136 relevant articles (5 outcomes, 21 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Infections
2. Odontogenic Cysts (Keratocyst)
3. Cysts
4. Radicular Cyst
5. Pain (Aches)


1. Liu, Chuanxia: 1 article (08/2022)
2. Liu, Yu: 1 article (08/2022)
3. Shi, Jue: 1 article (08/2022)
4. Si, Misi: 1 article (08/2022)
5. Zhou, Jinhan: 1 article (08/2022)
6. Cao, Yi-Ting: 1 article (03/2022)
7. Gu, Qin-Hua: 1 article (03/2022)
8. Jiang, Qian: 1 article (03/2022)
9. Wang, Jin: 1 article (03/2022)
10. Wang, Yi-Wei: 1 article (03/2022)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Jaw Cysts:
1. PowdersIBA
2. Bone SubstitutesIBA
3. Keratins (Keratin)IBA
4. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)IBA
5. GelatinasesIBA
6. Tryptases (Tryptase)IBA
7. Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2IBA
8. Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1IBA
9. Hematoxylin (Haematoxylon)IBA
10. Eosine Yellowish-(YS) (Eosin)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Decompression
2. Curettage
3. Ultrasonic Surgical Procedures
4. Oral Surgery (Maxillofacial Surgery)
5. Therapeutics