Heartburn (Pyrosis)

Substernal pain or burning sensation, usually associated with regurgitation of gastric juice into the esophagus.
Also Known As:
Pyrosis; Pyroses
Networked: 2279 relevant articles (319 outcomes, 281 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)
2. Pain (Aches)
3. Esophagitis
4. Nausea
5. Vomiting


1. Fass, Ronnie: 30 articles (08/2021 - 12/2002)
2. Savarino, Vincenzo: 24 articles (10/2022 - 11/2006)
3. Savarino, Edoardo: 24 articles (03/2022 - 11/2006)
4. Frazzoni, Marzio: 22 articles (10/2022 - 11/2008)
5. Talley, N J: 20 articles (07/2017 - 12/2000)
6. Kinoshita, Yoshikazu: 18 articles (11/2019 - 12/2003)
7. Tack, J: 17 articles (11/2016 - 11/2002)
8. Fass, R: 16 articles (05/2014 - 03/2000)
9. Frazzoni, Leonardo: 14 articles (10/2022 - 08/2013)
10. Sifrim, Daniel: 14 articles (10/2022 - 07/2005)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Heartburn:
1. AcidsIBA
2. Omeprazole (Prilosec)FDA LinkGeneric
3. AntacidsIBA
4. Ranitidine (Zantac)FDA LinkGeneric
5. Esomeprazole (Nexium)FDA Link
6. Proton Pump InhibitorsIBA
7. Lansoprazole (Prevacid)FDA LinkGeneric
8. Rabeprazole (Aciphex)FDA Link
9. Pantoprazole (Protonix)FDA LinkGeneric
10. Cisapride (Propulsid)FDA Link

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Fundoplication
3. Aftercare (After-Treatment)
4. Myotomy
5. Self Medication