
A powdery meal obtained from ground up starchy foodstuff, such as seeds of WHEAT; RICE and other EDIBLE GRAIN; LEGUMES; and NUTS; or ground up PLANT TUBERS.
Also Known As:
Semolina Flour; Almond Flours; Almond Meals; Corn Flours; Corn Meals; Flour, Almond; Flour, Corn; Flour, Grain; Flour, Nut; Flour, Potato; Flour, Rice; Flour, Semolina; Flour, Soybean; Flour, Wheat; Flours; Flours, Almond; Flours, Corn; Flours, Grain; Flours, Nut; Flours, Potato; Flours, Rice; Flours, Semolina; Flours, Soybean; Flours, Wheat; Grain Flours; Grain Meals; Meal, Almond; Meal, Corn; Meal, Grain; Meal, Rice; Meal, Soybean; Meal, Wheat; Meals, Almond; Meals, Corn; Meals, Grain; Meals, Rice; Meals, Soybean; Meals, Wheat; Nut Flours; Potato Flours; Rice Flours; Rice Meals; Semolina Flours; Soybean Flours; Soybean Meals; Wheat Flours; Wheat Meals; Almond Flour; Almond Meal; Corn Flour; Corn Meal; Grain Flour; Grain Meal; Nut Flour; Potato Flour; Rice Flour; Rice Meal; Soybean Flour; Soybean Meal; Wheat Flour; Wheat Meal
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