Esophageal Achalasia (Megaesophagus)

A motility disorder of the ESOPHAGUS in which the LOWER ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER (near the CARDIA) fails to relax resulting in functional obstruction of the esophagus, and DYSPHAGIA. Achalasia is characterized by a grossly contorted and dilated esophagus (megaesophagus).
Also Known As:
Megaesophagus; Cardiospasm; Achalasia; Achalasias; Achalasias, Esophageal; Cardiospasms; Esophageal Achalasias; Achalasia, Esophageal
Networked: 3450 relevant articles (457 outcomes, 422 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Deglutition Disorders (Dysphagia)
2. Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)
3. Esophageal Motility Disorders (Nutcracker Esophagus)
4. Esophageal Achalasia (Megaesophagus)
5. Chest Pain (Chest Pains)


1. Inoue, Haruhiro: 79 articles (11/2022 - 09/2010)
2. Patti, Marco G: 44 articles (01/2022 - 05/2003)
3. Pandolfino, John E: 43 articles (01/2022 - 05/2004)
4. Kahrilas, Peter J: 36 articles (02/2022 - 05/2004)
5. Onimaru, Manabu: 32 articles (11/2022 - 11/2011)
6. Khashab, Mouen A: 32 articles (01/2022 - 01/2013)
7. Nabi, Zaheer: 29 articles (12/2022 - 10/2016)
8. Ikeda, Haruo: 25 articles (04/2022 - 11/2011)
9. Roman, Sabine: 25 articles (02/2022 - 02/2013)
10. Hungness, Eric S: 25 articles (01/2022 - 02/2013)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Esophageal Achalasia:
1. Botulinum Toxins (Botulinum Toxin)IBA
2. BariumIBA
3. Type A Botulinum Toxins (Botox)FDA Link
4. Nifedipine (Adalat)FDA LinkGeneric
5. AcidsIBA
6. Calcium Channel Blockers (Blockers, Calcium Channel)IBA
7. Opioid Analgesics (Opioids)IBA
8. Neurotransmitter Agents (Neurotransmitter)IBA
9. Radioisotopes (Radionuclides)IBA
10. Proton Pump InhibitorsIBA
10/01/2017 - "The aim of our study was to evaluate the yield of prolonged wireless pH monitoring in patients with successfully treated achalasia and its influence on proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use. "
12/13/2021 - "Patients with untreated achalasia and those with refractory reflux symptoms despite ≥8 weeks of proton-pump inhibitor treatment were enrolled prospectively. "
09/21/2021 - "Achalasia should therefore be considered in patients with an initial diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease who do not respond to proton pump inhibitors."
10/01/2019 - "Key strong recommendations are made regarding the benefit of: (i) HRM over standard manometry in the investigation of dysphagia and, in particular, in characterising achalasia, (ii) adjunctive testing with larger volumes of water or solids during HRM, (iii) oesophageal manometry prior to antireflux surgery, (iv) pH/impedance monitoring in patients with reflux symptoms not responding to high dose proton pump inhibitors and (v) pH monitoring in all patients with reflux symptoms responsive to proton pump inhibitors in whom surgery is planned, but combined pH/impedance monitoring in those not responsive to proton pump inhibitors in whom surgery is planned. "
01/01/2018 - "This trial was designed to assess the prevalence and characteristics of Jackhammer esophagus (JE), a novel hypercontractile disorder associated with progression to achalasia and limited outcomes following anti-reflux surgery in patients with typical symptoms of GERD and responsiveness to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy. "

Therapies and Procedures

1. Myotomy
2. Heller Myotomy
3. Fundoplication
4. Therapeutics
5. Esophagectomy