Cobra Neurotoxin Proteins

Toxins, contained in cobra (Naja) venom that block cholinergic receptors; two specific proteins have been described, the small (short, Type I) and the large (long, Type II) which also exist in other Elapid venoms.
Also Known As:
Neurotoxin Proteins, Cobra; Neurotoxins, Cobra; Proteins, Cobra Neurotoxin; Cobra Neurotoxins; Cobrotoxin
Networked: 13 relevant articles (2 outcomes, 2 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Qin, Zheng-Hong: 6 articles (12/2020 - 03/2006)
2. Reid, Paul F: 4 articles (12/2020 - 03/2006)
3. Han, Rong: 4 articles (11/2014 - 03/2006)
4. Lin, Fang: 3 articles (12/2020 - 12/2016)
5. Shen, Jian: 2 articles (11/2014 - 07/2013)
6. Chen, Bo-Wen: 2 articles (04/2006 - 03/2006)
7. Gu, Zhen-Lun: 2 articles (04/2006 - 03/2006)
8. Raymond, Laurence N: 2 articles (04/2006 - 03/2006)
9. Zhang, Hui-Ling: 2 articles (04/2006 - 03/2006)
10. Huang, Jun: 1 article (12/2016)

Related Diseases

1. COVID-19
2. Neoplasms (Cancer)
3. Cancer Pain
4. Lung Neoplasms (Lung Cancer)
5. Pain (Aches)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Analgesics (Analgesic Drugs)
2. Venoms
3. Neurotoxins
4. Cardiotoxins
5. Cholinergic Antagonists (Anticholinergics)
6. Nicotinic Receptors (Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor)
7. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)
8. Naloxone (Narcan)
9. Carrier Proteins (Binding Protein)
10. Atropine

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Analgesia
2. Transplantation
3. Microspheres (Microsphere)