
Inflammation of the choroid in which the sensory retina becomes edematous and opaque. The inflammatory cells and exudate may burst through the sensory retina to cloud the vitreous body.
Also Known As:
Networked: 443 relevant articles (21 outcomes, 17 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Choroidal Neovascularization
2. Inflammation (Inflammations)
3. Uveitis
4. Cytomegalovirus Infections (Inclusion Disease)
5. Infections


1. Herbort, Carl P: 5 articles (05/2021 - 10/2011)
2. Errera, Marie-Hélène: 3 articles (10/2022 - 01/2022)
3. Sahel, José-Alain: 3 articles (10/2022 - 01/2022)
4. Davis, Janet L: 3 articles (01/2021 - 04/2004)
5. Ciardella, Antonio P: 3 articles (03/2020 - 02/2014)
6. Morara, Mariachiara: 3 articles (03/2020 - 02/2014)
7. Veronese, Chiara: 3 articles (03/2020 - 02/2014)
8. Rao, Narsing A: 3 articles (04/2017 - 08/2002)
9. Montoya, Jose G: 2 articles (07/2022 - 04/2018)
10. Pichi, Francesco: 2 articles (04/2022 - 02/2014)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Chorioretinitis:
1. Amphotericin B (Amphotericin)FDA LinkGeneric
2. Voriconazole (Vfend)FDA LinkGeneric
3. Ganciclovir (Cytovene)FDA LinkGeneric
4. Bevacizumab (Avastin)FDA Link
5. Immunosuppressive Agents (Immunosuppressants)IBA
6. Adrenal Cortex Hormones (Corticosteroids)IBA
7. Anti-Bacterial Agents (Antibiotics)IBA
8. Sulfadiazine (Sulphadiazine)FDA Link
9. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)IBA
10. Fluconazole (Zonal)FDA LinkGeneric

Therapies and Procedures

1. Therapeutics
2. Vitrectomy
3. Aftercare (After-Treatment)
4. Injections
5. Drug Therapy (Chemotherapy)