
A form of pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of dust that contains both CARBON and crystalline SILICON DIOXIDE. These foreign matters induce fibrous nodule formation in the lung.
Also Known As:
Networked: 53 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 7 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Bronchitis
2. Coronary Disease (Coronary Heart Disease)
3. Pneumoconiosis
4. Silicosis
5. Tuberculosis (Tuberculoses)


1. Panev, N I: 3 articles (08/2016 - 01/2002)
2. Filimonov, S N: 2 articles (08/2016 - 01/2002)
3. Gafarov, N I: 2 articles (08/2016 - 01/2006)
4. Luzina, F A: 2 articles (08/2016 - 01/2006)
5. Zakharenkov, V V: 2 articles (08/2016 - 08/2015)
6. Gorokhova, L G: 2 articles (08/2015 - 01/2011)
7. Bazeliuk, L T: 2 articles (01/2007 - 01/2005)
8. Nemery, Benoit: 1 article (01/2022)
9. Ronsmans, Steven: 1 article (01/2022)
10. Babich, Olga O: 1 article (01/2018)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Anthracosilicosis:
1. Coal (Coals)IBA
2. Phospholipids (Phosphatides)FDA LinkGeneric
01/01/2006 - "The authors studied serum phospholipid subunits in patients with anthracosilicosis associated with vibration disease. "
01/01/2006 - "[Serum phospholipids in anthracosilicosis associated with vibration disease]."
09/01/1995 - "Suppression of the phospholipids synthesis in patients with anthracosilicosis contributes to the predominance of the processes of damaging the alveolar epithelium as well as pneumofibrosis and fatty infiltration of the pulmonary tissue while increase in the amount of pulmonary surfactant in patients with dust-induced bronchitis brings about predominant development of obstructive, bronchospastic and inflammatory changes. "
01/01/2007 - "The authors used cytoche mical methods to study functions of cells in nasal lining,buccal epithelium and peripheral blood of coal miners suffering from anthracosilicosis stage I. Findings were lower activity of ATPase, increased activity of acid phosphatase with partial and complete diffusion of products, higher levels of phospholipids, glycosaminoglycans and glycogen in comparison with those in apparently healthy individuals. "
01/01/2005 - "The authors used cytochemical methods to study functions of neutrophils, RBC and lymphocytes of perpheral blood in miners suffering from anthracosilicosis stage I, revealed higher phospholipids content, lower catecholamines, increased activity of monoamine oxidase, esterase, decreased glycogen, RNA and lysosomal cationic proteins, in comparison with apparently healthy individuals. "
3. GlycogenIBA
4. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
5. CatecholaminesIBA
6. Blood Group Antigens (Blood Groups)IBA
7. Transfer Factor (Factor, Transfer)IBA
8. RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)IBA
9. Radioisotopes (Radionuclides)IBA
10. Pulmonary Surfactants (Pulmonary Surfactant)IBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Chemoprevention
2. Therapeutics
3. Hyperbaric Oxygenation