
a synthetic quinoxaline 1,4-dioxide derivative which can effectively improve growth and feed efficiency in animals; structure in first source
Networked: 6 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Chen, Dongmei: 2 articles (02/2017 - 11/2015)
2. Huang, Lingli: 2 articles (02/2017 - 11/2015)
3. Liu, Zhenli: 2 articles (02/2017 - 11/2015)
4. Pan, Yuanhu: 2 articles (02/2017 - 11/2015)
5. Yuan, Zonghui: 2 articles (02/2017 - 11/2015)
6. Huang, Chongyang: 2 articles (09/2012 - 11/2011)
7. Lei, Hehua: 2 articles (09/2012 - 11/2011)
8. Tang, Huiru: 2 articles (09/2012 - 11/2011)
9. Wang, Yulan: 2 articles (09/2012 - 11/2011)
10. Zhao, Xiu-Ju: 2 articles (09/2012 - 11/2011)

Related Diseases

1. Body Weight (Weight, Body)
2. Dysentery
3. Liver Diseases (Liver Disease)
4. Enteritis
5. Bacterial Infections (Bacterial Infection)

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. A 7 (A-7)
2. Quinoxalines
3. Carbadox
4. Anti-Bacterial Agents (Antibiotics)
5. quinocetone
6. Nucleic Acids
7. Echinomycin
8. Antiviral Agents (Antivirals)
9. Antineoplastic Agents (Antineoplastics)
10. Anti-Infective Agents (Microbicides)