Laryngeal cleft

A congenital abnormality characterized by an opening between the larynx and esophagus, allowing aspiration of food and liquids into the lungs. OMIM: 215800
Also Known As:
Anterior submucous laryngeal cleft; Congenital laryngeal clefts; Posterior laryngeal cleft (PLC)
Networked: 44 relevant articles (2 outcomes, 4 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Tracheoesophageal Fistula
2. Cysts
3. Foreign Bodies (Foreign Body)
4. Esophageal Atresia
5. Pathologic Constriction (Stenosis)


1. Rahbar, Reza: 7 articles (03/2019 - 01/2007)
2. Ferrari, Lynne R: 3 articles (04/2013 - 01/2007)
3. Hart, Catherine K: 2 articles (05/2022 - 07/2015)
4. Kawai, Kosuke: 2 articles (03/2019 - 05/2018)
5. Watters, Karen: 2 articles (03/2019 - 01/2013)
6. Chi, David H: 2 articles (12/2018 - 05/2011)
7. Ferrari, Lynne: 2 articles (05/2018 - 01/2013)
8. Balakrishnan, Karthik: 2 articles (01/2018 - 07/2015)
9. Duvvuri, Umamaheswar: 2 articles (03/2017 - 09/2014)
10. Mehta, Deepak: 2 articles (03/2017 - 09/2014)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Laryngeal cleft:
1. BariumIBA
2. SuspensionsIBA
3. Botulinum Toxins (Botulinum Toxin)IBA
4. Anesthetics (Anesthetic Agents)IBA
5. Ephrin-B2 (Ephrin B2)IBA
6. DexmedetomidineFDA Link
7. Type A Botulinum Toxins (Botox)FDA Link
8. Propofol (Diprivan)FDA LinkGeneric
9. TeaIBA
10. GalactosidasesIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Conservative Treatment
2. Laryngoscopes
3. Laryngoplasty
4. Injections
5. Radiofrequency Ablation