Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita

A congenital disorder characterized by cutis marmorata (alternating areas of dilated and constricted blood vessels, which gives the skin a red and white marbled appearance), telangiectasis, and VARICOSE VEINS. Skin is most commonly affected on the legs, less commonly on the arms and trunk, and rarely do they involve the face and scalp. It is occasionally associated with skin ulceration or skin atrophy; skin symptoms usually improve with age. Can occur alone or along with a variety of other birth defects, particularly those involving undergrowth or overgrowth of the same arm or leg. Most cases are thought to be sporadic, familial cases appear to be autosomal recessive. OMIM: 219250
Also Known As:
Hereditary cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
Networked: 9 relevant articles (1 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Relationship Network

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Phacomatosis pigmentovascularis
2. Stroke (Strokes)
3. Optic Disk Drusen (Optic Disc Drusen)
4. Retinal Detachment (Retinal Detachments)
5. Hypothyroidism


1. Eversman, Anna: 1 article (07/2020)
2. Irfan, Mahwish: 1 article (07/2020)
3. Knabel, Daniel: 1 article (07/2020)
4. Tracey, Elisabeth H: 1 article (07/2020)
5. Makita, Lana Sayuri: 1 article (01/2020)
6. Medina, Flávio Mac Cord: 1 article (01/2020)
7. Muniz, Bernardo Carvalho: 1 article (01/2020)
8. Bhatt, Kalyani: 1 article (11/2018)
9. Mehrotra, Navneet S: 1 article (11/2018)
10. Nagpal, Manish P: 1 article (11/2018)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita:
1. Retinaldehyde (Retinal)IBA
2. Fluorescein (Funduscein)FDA LinkGeneric
3. factor V LeidenIBA
4. 1- cyclohexyl- 3- (2- (4- morpholinyl)ethyl)carbodiimideIBA

Therapies and Procedures

1. Laser Therapy (Surgery, Laser)
2. Lasers (Laser)