Type 2K Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Also Known As:
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Type 2K; CMT 2K; Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy, Axonal, Type 2k; Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, axonal, Type 2K; Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, axonal, autosomal recessive, Type 2K; Cmt2k
Networked: 10 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Disease Context: Research Results

Related Diseases

1. Type 4A Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
2. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (Peroneal Muscular Atrophy)
3. Recessive Intermediate A Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
4. Type 2A Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease


1. Lv, He: 2 articles (01/2021 - 08/2017)
2. Wang, Zhaoxia: 2 articles (01/2021 - 08/2017)
3. Wu, Rui: 2 articles (01/2021 - 08/2017)
4. Yuan, Yun: 2 articles (01/2021 - 08/2017)
5. Bonneau, Dominique: 2 articles (01/2020 - 04/2009)
6. Cassereau, Julien: 2 articles (01/2020 - 04/2009)
7. Chevrollier, Arnaud: 2 articles (01/2020 - 04/2009)
8. Gueguen, Naïg: 2 articles (01/2020 - 04/2009)
9. Procaccio, Vincent: 2 articles (01/2020 - 04/2009)
10. Reynier, Pascal: 2 articles (01/2020 - 04/2009)

Drugs and Biologics

Drugs and Important Biological Agents (IBA) related to Type 2K Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease:
1. GDAP proteinIBA
2. Proteins (Proteins, Gene)FDA Link
3. ResveratrolIBA