S-(1-phenyl-2-hydroxyethyl)cysteine (PHEC)

a mixture of two isomers
Also Known As:
PHEC; P-HE-Cys; S-(1(2)-phenyl-2-hydroxyethyl)cysteine; S-(2-pheyl-2-hydroxyethyl)cysteine
Networked: 8 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 1 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Kopayev, S Yu: 1 article (01/2019)
2. Kopayeva, V G: 1 article (01/2019)
3. Pytskaya, N V: 1 article (01/2019)
4. Gibson, C: 1 article (08/2017)
5. Guest, R: 1 article (08/2017)
6. Lamb, D: 1 article (08/2017)
7. Mahoney, P: 1 article (08/2017)
8. Stone, Robert J: 1 article (08/2017)
9. Friedman, Alan E: 1 article (04/2012)
10. Lapek, John D: 1 article (04/2012)

Related Diseases

1. Mitochondrial Diseases (Mitochondrial Disease)
07/01/1998 - "The present study has therefore examined in more detail PHEC-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, both in vivo and in vitro, using isolated renal cortical mitochondria. "
07/01/1998 - "Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that mitochondrial dysfunction may be an important early event in S-[(1 and 2)-phenyl-2-hydroxyethyl]cysteine (PHEC)-induced cytotoxicity in isolated rat renal proximal tubules. "
04/01/1996 - "Pretreatment of renal tubules with aminooxyacetic acid failed to prevent the mitochondrial dysfunction induced by 1 mM PHEC, indicating an absence of further metabolism of PHEC by a beta-lyase-dependent pathway. "
07/01/1998 - "Renal cortical mitochondria isolated from PHEC-treated rats in vivo showed depressed effects on the mitochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation in both a dose (0, 250, and 500 micromol/kg iv)- and time (0-24 h)-dependent manner in the presence of both succinate (Site 2) and malate plus alpha-ketoglutarate (Site 1) as respiratory substrates, with initial significant depression occurring as early as 4 h following treatment with 500 micromol PHEC/kg. Similar mitochondrial dysfunctions were observed in vitro in concentration- and time-dependent manners with both respiratory substrates. "
04/01/1996 - "Pretreatment with 1 mM deferoxamine prevented PHEC-induced lipid peroxidation but did not prevent PHEC-induced cytotoxicity, whereas deferoxamine pretreatment prevented lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cytotoxicity after exposure to 0.5 mM tertiary-butyl hydroperoxide, suggesting that iron-mediated lipid peroxidation does not contribute to PHEC-induced proximal tubule cell death. "
2. Wounds and Injuries (Trauma)
3. Neoplasms (Cancer)
4. Prostatic Neoplasms (Prostate Cancer)
5. Myocardial Infarction

Related Drugs and Biologics

1. Cysteine (L-Cysteine)
2. Succinic Acid (Succinate)
3. Lyases
4. Ketoglutaric Acids (Ketoglutaric Acid)
5. Iron
6. Hydrogen Peroxide (Hydroperoxide)
7. Deferoxamine (Desferal)
8. Aminooxyacetic Acid
9. malic acid (malate)

Related Therapies and Procedures

1. Phacoemulsification
2. Intraocular Lenses (Intraocular Lens)