Immunohistochemical localization of amelogenin in human odontogenic tumors, using a polyclonal antibody against bovine amelogenin.

In the present study, we investigated the localization of amelogenin in odontogenic tumors, using an anti-amelogenin polyclonal antibody. In order to make the antibody, antisera against an amelogenin fraction obtained from the enamel matrix of unerupted bovine tooth was raised in rabbits. By Western blot analysis, a main band of 25 kDa and six minor bands (6.8, 12, 18, 20, 23, and 27 kDa) were detected under nonreducing conditions. Immunoreactivity for the amelogenin was observed in ameloblasts and in the immature enamel matrix of 4-day-old rats. In odontogenic tumors, positive reactions for amelogenin were localized in limited areas in adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, calcifying odontogenic cyst, primary intraosseous carcinoma and odontoma. The strongest immunoreactions were shown in enamel matrices in odontomas. Small mineralized foci in epithelial nests showed positive reactions, and a few reactions were observed in epithelium adjacent to the mineralized foci. In calcifying odontogenic cysts, some ghost cells in the lining epithelium were strongly stained. The results indicate that the present antibody for amelogenin is useful for the determination of odontogenic tumors, especially in those in which small mineralized foci are present in the epithelial nests.
AuthorsY Abiko, M Murata, Y Ito, T Taira, M Nishimura, M Arisue, T Inoue, M Shimono, Y Kuboki, T Kaku
JournalMedical electron microscopy : official journal of the Clinical Electron Microscopy Society of Japan (Med Electron Microsc) Vol. 34 Issue 3 Pg. 185-9 (Sep 2001) ISSN: 0918-4287 [Print] Japan
PMID11793195 (Publication Type: Journal Article)
Chemical References
  • Amelogenin
  • Amelx protein, rat
  • Antibodies
  • Dental Enamel Proteins
  • Amelogenin
  • Animals
  • Antibodies (immunology)
  • Blotting, Western
  • Cattle
  • Dental Enamel Proteins (immunology, metabolism)
  • Humans
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Odontogenic Tumors (metabolism, pathology)
  • Rabbits
  • Rats
  • Tooth Germ (metabolism)

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