Classical Pathway Complement C5 Convertase

A serine protease that cleaves multiple COMPLEMENT 5 into COMPLEMENT 5A (anaphylatoxin) and COMPLEMENT 5B in the CLASSICAL COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION PATHWAY. It is a complex of CLASSICAL PATHWAY C3 CONVERTASE (C4b2a) with an additional COMPLEMENT C3B, or C4b2a3b.
Also Known As:
Complement C5 Convertase, Classical Pathway; C5 Convertase (C4b2a3b); Classical C5 Convertase; Classical Pathway C5 Convertase; C5 Convertase, Classical
Networked: 1 relevant articles (0 outcomes, 0 trials/studies)

Bio-Agent Context: Research Results


1. Andersen, Gregers R: 1 article (10/2020)
2. Christiansen, Dorte: 1 article (10/2020)
3. Fox, Rachel: 1 article (10/2020)
4. Gadeberg, Trine A F: 1 article (10/2020)
5. Hansen, Annette G: 1 article (10/2020)
6. Hansen, Pernille: 1 article (10/2020)
7. Jensen, Jens Magnus B: 1 article (10/2020)
8. Jensen, Rasmus K: 1 article (10/2020)
9. Johnson, Matthew B: 1 article (10/2020)
10. Laursen, Nick S: 1 article (10/2020)

Related Diseases

1. Hemolysis